Marshall Chasin, AuD, is an audiologist and the Director of Auditory Research at the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada, Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto (in Linguistics), Associate Professor in the School of Communication Disorders and Sciences at the Western University. He is the author of over 200 articles and 7 books including Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss. Dr. Chasin has been the recipient of many awards over the years including the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Award for service to Canada and the Canada 150 Medal in 2017. He has developed a new TTS app called Temporary Hearing Loss Test app.
Jun. 24, 2014

Combien de Personnes ont une Déficience Auditive?

Marshall Chasin
Par Ruth Warick L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et la Banque mondiale ont produit un Rapport mondial sur le handicap dont la conclusion la plus surprenante est que 15 p. 100 de la population mondiale – soit un milliard de personnes – vit avec une certaine forme de handicap, éprouvant d’importantes difficultés de fonctionnement dans leur vie courante. C’est
Jun. 17, 2014

Pinna effect and stages set-ups in musical venues – part 5

Marshall Chasin
In previous portions of this five-part series, we discussed the acoustics of musical instruments and in most cases we saw these same general acoustic principles applied to the realm of hearing aids and speech acoustics. This week, I would like to turn to the performance venue and how the lowly pinna effect can be of assistance. Close your eyes and
Jun. 10, 2014

Oui à l’Ouïe : À l’avant-scene de la Prévention de la Perte d’audition Due du Bruit

Marshall Chasin
Par Gael Hannan Gael Hannan animait le groupe d’élèves du primaire entassés dans une salle de classe mobile à Yellowknife. C’était en automne 2007 et Gael, gestionnaire de programme au service de la Fondation Canadienne de l’Ouïe, s’y trouvait pour apprendre aux élèves comment écouter en sécurité et prévenir la perte d’audition due au bruit. Les élèves réagissaient bien tandis
Jun. 10, 2014

Amplification and the Flaring of a Tube – Part 4

Marshall Chasin
  In the previous parts of this 5-part blog, we discussed quarter, half wavelength resonators, and impedance and damping. In this part, we will describe why some musical instruments have a flare or horn. The formal name of this acoustic principle is called the acoustic transformer effect, but many just call it the “horn effect”. The horn not only makes
Jun. 03, 2014

Impedance and damping- part 3

Marshall Chasin
In part 1 and part 2 of this 5-part blog series, we discussed the features of quarter wavelength resonators (brass instruments) and half wavelength resonators (stringed instruments and most woodwind instruments). This part has to do, not with what the frequencies of the resonances are, but the magnitude or amplitude of the resonances. We have all learned about impedance when it
May. 27, 2014

Plus ça Change … plus C’est pareil!

Marshall Chasin
par Marilyn Dahl Une de mes amies s’est retrouvée à l’hôpital récemment, de manière inattendue. La première fois que l’on s’est parlées, elle m’a demandé d’apporter deux trousses d’hôpital de l’AMEC. Ce n’était pas pour elle. En tant que membre à vie de l’AMEC, de chef de file déterminée du secteur et de consommatrice malentendante avertie, elle pouvait répondre à
May. 27, 2014

Musical Acoustics – ½ Wavelength Resonators, Part 2

Marshall Chasin
Last week we discussed the characteristics of the quarter wavelength resonator and its role in musical acoustics (as well as in behind the ear hearing aids and our vocal tracts for those speech scientists out there). Quarter wavelength resonances are found in tubes that are “open” at one end and “closed” at the other end. A feature of a quarter
May. 20, 2014

Musical Acoustics – Part 1

Marshall Chasin
Standing waves and ¼ wavelength resonators. Part 1 of 5: I have always found it interesting that the various acoustic principles that are at play with hearing aids, are the same principles that rear their sometimes ugly heads in the realm of speech acoustics and in musical acoustics. For those readers whose background is audiology or speech sciences, you won’t
May. 13, 2014

Les Personnes malentendantes s’organisent en Asie

Marshall Chasin
par Ruth Warick Selon mes relations avec des personnes vivant ou oeuvrant dans des pays en voie de développement, la plupart des personnes malentendantes n’ont aucun soutien pour composer avec leur déficience auditive autre que celui de nature individuelle offert par les familles et les collectivités. La plupart n’ont pas d’appareils auditifs et encore moins de dispositifs facilitant l’écoute. Il
May. 13, 2014

Audiology sound booths- the great Atlantic Divide

Marshall Chasin
Look at any North American audiology clinic and you will typically find the client sitting in a sound-treated booth and the audiologist sitting either in an adjacent booth or in a quiet room outside the booth. Now, get on a plane and go to Zurich, Berlin, or Florence, and the approach is quite different. Typically you will see one booth,