2022 Oticon Audiology Summer Camp Helps Prepare Next Generation of Audiologists for Success

August 1, 2022

SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY – The 2022 Oticon Audiology Summer Camp brought graduate students representing 21 US universities to Orlando, Florida for a 4-day series of lectures and workshops focused on preparing them for success as new professionals in the field of audiology.

Launched in 1997, the annual professional development event is designed to supplement and complement students’ education with relevant, practical professional world knowledge and insights.

A series of in-depth presentations “offered students expert guidance on managing complex fittings and the importance of the correct diagnosis as well as practical advice on evidence-based approaches to choosing technology and motivating patients to action.”

Education & Training Specialist Amanda Greenwell, Au.D. demonstrates custom hearing aid modification techniques to students during Oticon Summer Audiology Camp workshop.

Drawing on the experiences of Oticon staff and expert presenters, students explored the business of hearing care in a variety of clinical settings, from hospitals and academics to research and private practice. Breakout workshops gave students an in-depth look at custom hearing solutions from impressions and modifications to the manufacturing process.

“At Oticon, we believe that Hearing Care is Health Care™ and that the best hearing care is provided by caring professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the changing healthcare arena. To support this commitment, we actively engage in knowledge-sharing events, including events like the Audiology Summer Camp that support the professional growth of new audiologists. We aim to make this a rich, rewarding experience that will equip them to succeed.”

–Virginia Ramachandran, Au.D., Ph.D., Head of Audiology for Oticon, Inc. 

To learn more about Oticon resources for audiology students, visit www.oticon.com/professionals/audiology-students or email us at [email protected].

Source: Oticon Inc

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