Hearing Health & Technology Matters

Nick Fitzgerald has served as HHTM’s Chief Marketing Officer for the past 3 years. He is the President and Owner of AuDSEO, a full service digital marketing agency. With over 15 years of digital marketing experience, Nick is a highly data-driven marketer, with expertise in search engine optimization, digital analytics and forensics, social media, digital advertising, and web development. He has been involved in the construction and optimization of nearly 1,000 web presences, including some of the largest Fortune 500 companies.
Featured image for “The Hearing Aid-Hearable Crossover: Interview with Thomas Lang, PhD, Vice President of Marketing for Phonak”
Feb. 26, 2020

The Hearing Aid-Hearable Crossover: Interview with Thomas Lang, PhD, Vice President of Marketing for Phonak

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hearing Healthcare 2020 is a column where we explore the forces behind the changing landscape and disruptions impacting the hearing healthcare industry. This week, HHTM President and CEO, Kevin Liebe, connected with Thomas Lang, PhD, the Vice President of Marketing for Phonak and Unitron US, to discuss the motivation behind the recently launched Virto Black hearing aid — a device
Featured image for “How to Respond to a Negative Online Review”
Feb. 15, 2020

How to Respond to a Negative Online Review

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hardly anyone wants to receive a bad online review. As a business owner, you may take the reviewer’s comment and low-quality rating as a personal attack when you see an unfavorable review of your company. Nonetheless, responding emotionally is not the best way to handle with negative reviews. Getting angry or frustrated is not going to fix the issue. Not only have
Featured image for “Improving Patient Compliance Through a  Focus on Counseling and Motivational Interviewing (MI)”
Feb. 14, 2020

Improving Patient Compliance Through a Focus on Counseling and Motivational Interviewing (MI)

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Growth and Prosperity   Having proudly served their community for decades, Hometown Audiology helped thousands of patients, often multi-generation families, to improve their hearing ability. As well-respected clinicians, Dr. Kim Miller’s team empowered those entrusted in their care to hear and understand better, at home, work and play, every day. From fellow healthcare providers to teachers, from first responders to
Featured image for “Biotech and the Future of Hearing Healthcare: Interview with Carl LeBel, PhD, Chief Development Officer, Frequency Therapeutics”
Feb. 04, 2020

Biotech and the Future of Hearing Healthcare: Interview with Carl LeBel, PhD, Chief Development Officer, Frequency Therapeutics

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hearing Healthcare 2020 is a column where we explore the forces behind the changing landscape and disruptions impacting the hearing healthcare industry. While much of the recent discussions surrounding disruption in hearing healthcare and the broader hearing industry have been focused on issues like OTC and self-fitting hearing aids, very little attention has been focused on the potential impact of
Featured image for “Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running? Part 3 – Implications of Health Insurance on Consumer Demand”
Jan. 27, 2020

Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running? Part 3 – Implications of Health Insurance on Consumer Demand

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
by Amyn M Amlani, PhD Today’s blog, Part 3, is the last in the series, “Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running?” Thus far, we have covered the: Developing market segmentation occurring in hearing healthcare (Part 1), and the Negative effect (i.e., cannibalization) of reduced retail pricing on total revenue, consumer purchase intent, and market brand within the
Featured image for “Hearables and the Future of Hearing Healthcare: Interview with Nuheara Co-Founder, David Cannington”
Jan. 25, 2020

Hearables and the Future of Hearing Healthcare: Interview with Nuheara Co-Founder, David Cannington

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hearing Healthcare 2020 is a regular column where we explore the forces behind the changing landscape and disruptions impacting the hearing healthcare industry. This week, HHTM President and CEO, Kevin Liebe, connected with David Cannington, co-founder and Executive Director of Nuheara, to discuss the future of the hearable industry and how Nuheara has managed to find success where many other
Featured image for “TeleHearing Care Increases Patient Retention”
Jan. 21, 2020

TeleHearing Care Increases Patient Retention

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Suzanne Younker, Au.D. Loyal patients are recognized as a significant contributor to a successful hearing care practice and practice owners must pay attention to how they can continue to satisfy this valuable base. Business analytics and medical practice experts all agree with the Harvard School of Business that “A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect as
Featured image for “US Ear Device Patents for December 2019”
Jan. 20, 2020

US Ear Device Patents for December 2019

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Tis the season   Baby it’s cold out there, especially for the ears. Hence, the recurring, much-appreciated winter theme when inventors think up new ear warmers (D871677) and ear covering systems (10500098). The latter patent addresses an emerging technology-wrought crisis of sorts — how to keep ears warm while streaming music through earbuds.  The inventor’s solution is a set of
Featured image for “Getting Your Hearing Practice to Rank in Local Search Results”
Jan. 16, 2020

Getting Your Hearing Practice to Rank in Local Search Results

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
When people use search engines for their local area, they’re most likely finding a particular business. Maybe they need to recall the address of that Italian restaurant they were at last night. A second common reason is that they’re searching for a particular product or service, such as hearing tests. In this instance, they don’t know what company they are looking
Featured image for “Customization is the Antidote for Automation”
Jan. 15, 2020

Customization is the Antidote for Automation

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
by Brian Taylor, AuD, Editor-at-Large If you followed the unveilings at CES 2020, there’s really no doubt hearing aids continue to morph into consumer audio devices, as a growing number of consumer audio devices transform into hearing aids. Obviously, a greater number of choices, spread across a wide range of price points, is a positive development for consumers with hearing