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Hearing Technology Innovator Awards

Through the annual Hearing Technology Innovator Awards™, HHTM honors technological innovation and achievement in the hearing industry.  Submissions are now being accepted until July 22, 2024. Voting for the 2024 awards will take place in August - stay tuned for updates!

The 2023 awards were conferred in the following eight categories

  1. Hearing Aids
  2. Personal Listening Devices
  3. Assistive Technology and Software
  4. Service Delivery
  5. Equipment
  6. Auditory Implants
  7. Hearing Conservation
  8. Therapeutics

A full list of the 2023 winners can be found here.

Voting and Awards

Following closure of the submission period, nominees will be put up for a public vote in August. Voting will be open for a 2-week period and submissions receiving the most votes within each subcategory will be declared winners.

The overall “Innovator of the Year” winner will be determined by an international panel of highly qualified judges, which will decide from among the winners, the submission most deserving of recognition based upon the following criteria:

  • Innovation – Technology that represents novel thinking in addressing habilitation of acquired hearing loss, its treatment and delivery.
  • Effectiveness – Technological advances that best address limitations of previous generations of technology
  • Efficiency – Advances that best close the distance between hearing care and the end-user
  • Utility – Innovation that promotes greater ease of use by the end-user and/or practitioner

Winners were announced in November. Category winners were recognized and the Innovator of the Year award winner was announced during the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA), AuDacity 2023 conference, which took place in Bonita Springs Florida, November 2-5..  

Past Awards

Winners of the 2021 Awards:
Winners of the inaugural, 2020 Hearing Technology Innovator Awards: