Hearing Health & Technology Matters

Nick Fitzgerald has served as HHTM’s Chief Marketing Officer for the past 3 years. He is the President and Owner of AuDSEO, a full service digital marketing agency. With over 15 years of digital marketing experience, Nick is a highly data-driven marketer, with expertise in search engine optimization, digital analytics and forensics, social media, digital advertising, and web development. He has been involved in the construction and optimization of nearly 1,000 web presences, including some of the largest Fortune 500 companies.
Featured image for “Listen Deeply to Your Patient. How Do I Do That?”
Mar. 04, 2019

Listen Deeply to Your Patient. How Do I Do That?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
One of the most useful ideas surrounding the concept of the  “Continuum of Denial”  is how it requires the provider to listen deeply.  In a two-day seminar I took on Motivational Interviewing several years ago, the facilitator was ever exhorting participants to “listen deeply”.  My question was, “OK, that sounds great.  So how do I do that?”  The answer is
Featured image for “US Ear Device Patents in January 2019”
Feb. 27, 2019

US Ear Device Patents in January 2019

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hearing Economics is always scouting out new ways for in-ear devices to multitask for the general good of mankind. Emerging technologies in new patents provide fertile ground and occasional low hanging fruit. Here are a few thoughts for future in-ear apps, taken from January patent offerings.   Beauty: In the Ear of the Listener or the Fingers of the Player?
Featured image for “Gamified Auditory Training and Audiology Service Packages:  An Interview with Nancy Tye-Murray, PhD, creator of clEAR”
Feb. 25, 2019

Gamified Auditory Training and Audiology Service Packages: An Interview with Nancy Tye-Murray, PhD, creator of clEAR

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Since the early days of clinical audiology, when Raymond Carhart pioneered a comprehensive listening skills program for WWII veterans fitted with hearing aids, the importance of auditory training has received a lot of lip service from hearing healthcare providers. Although many clinicians believe in its intrinsic value, and a handful of studies support its effectiveness, auditory training, in practice, often
Featured image for “Tele-Audiology Pioneers: Q & A with Listen Lively CEO, Adam Karp”
Feb. 20, 2019

Tele-Audiology Pioneers: Q & A with Listen Lively CEO, Adam Karp

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
A few months ago, start-up company, Listen Lively burst onto the hearing care scene. Offering a pair of modern hearing aids, plus two years of remote video conferencing appointments with a licensed audiologist, Listen Lively could be poised to shake-up the current brick and mortar hearing aid dispensing model. Recently, Listen Lively CEO, Adam Karp was queried by Hearing News
Featured image for “Utilizing Risk Preference to Quantify Patient Purchase Intent  of Audiological Services and Technology”
Feb. 19, 2019

Utilizing Risk Preference to Quantify Patient Purchase Intent of Audiological Services and Technology

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
by Amyn M Amlani, PhD   A few weeks back, I spent the afternoon shopping for clothes with my 14-year-old daughter. As we made the rounds at the local mall, I was surprised at how elaborate a consumer my daughter had become. Outfits that I assumed were a “slam-dunk” purchase were rejected, and other outfits that I thought were a
Featured image for “The Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Dementia”
Feb. 16, 2019

The Relationship Between Hearing Loss and Dementia

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Over the past few years, multiple studies have found a link between hearing loss and an increased risk for dementia. Whether it’s a causational or correlational relationship is still being researched, but the relationship is there. Across all studies, people with hearing loss showed greater signs of cognitive decline. There are three main reasons hearing loss could be linked to
Featured image for “Facilitate a New Conversation”
Feb. 10, 2019

Facilitate a New Conversation

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Many hearing professionals are uncomfortable about taking their counseling into the realm of anything approaching “therapy” or interpersonal counseling.  They feel ill-equipped to delve into these more intimate areas.  While I agree that “psychological” counseling is certainly beyond our scope of practice, “communication” counseling is clearly not.  In fact, when it comes to this kind of counseling, hearing professionals are
Featured image for “Tele-audiology offers great promise in reaching underserved people globally”
Feb. 10, 2019

Tele-audiology offers great promise in reaching underserved people globally

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Editor’s Note: This post, first published on August 23, 2011, ended with a hearkening of the future that is becoming a reality for audiology services as we enter 2019.  It bears republication as a reminder of the thinking and technology in place nearly 8 years ago. “In light of the global shortage of hearing health professionals and the overwhelming need
Featured image for “US Ear Device Patents in December 2018”
Jan. 29, 2019

US Ear Device Patents in December 2018

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Ear devices, like other wearables, continue to track multifunctionality.  Two cases offer new opportunities for future add-on features and connectivity: Muzik Inc.’s wireless earbuds (Fig 1, USPTO #D835602) are indeed wireless but that’s where their resemblance to earbuds-as-we-know-them ends. Intead, they use the head as shelf space for an onboard power supply and integrated speakers, with plenty of room left for more sensors
Featured image for “Hearing Aids at Costco: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly”
Jan. 23, 2019

Hearing Aids at Costco: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
by Cliff Olson, AuD Multiple times a week I am asked, “are Costco hearing aids any good?”.  After all, it is natural to question whether or not buying a medical device at a big box store it a smart idea.  Depending on who you ask, it seems as though individuals who purchased their hearing aids at Costco either LOVE them