Hearing Health & Technology Matters

Nick Fitzgerald has served as HHTM’s Chief Marketing Officer for the past 3 years. He is the President and Owner of AuDSEO, a full service digital marketing agency. With over 15 years of digital marketing experience, Nick is a highly data-driven marketer, with expertise in search engine optimization, digital analytics and forensics, social media, digital advertising, and web development. He has been involved in the construction and optimization of nearly 1,000 web presences, including some of the largest Fortune 500 companies.
Jun. 27, 2012

Want to avoid moving back in with your “parents”? Get on the path to independence

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Brian Taylor According to a recent report by the U.S. Census Bureau, 15.8 million adults over the age of 18 live with their parents. Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 represent two-thirds of this population. This is a whopping 2.25 million increase between 2007 and 2010. The profession of audiology is a lot like these 25-to-34-year-olds who
Featured image for “The hearing aid industry’s inconvenient truth: A wake-up call for the independent practitioner”
Jun. 20, 2012

The hearing aid industry’s inconvenient truth: A wake-up call for the independent practitioner

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
In the following Hearing View, Joe Ficarra expresses some strong opinions that are likely to stimulate equally strong reactions, pro and con. We invite readers to submit your comments in response to Mr. Ficarra’s post. –David H. Kirkwood By Joe Ficarra We all read articles, newsletters, and e-mails regarding the onslaught of competition from UnitedHealthcare, Costco, the Internet, mail-order companies,
Jun. 19, 2012

The Link Between Your Kidneys and Your Hearing

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
This blog is modified from a Physician Fax our office sends out monthly.  It was initially written by Jennifer T. Lamfers, AuD (bio below) March was National Kidney Month and March 8th was World Kidney Day.  Why is this important to us?  For years we have  been aware of rare syndromes involving renal disorder and hearing loss, such as Alport,
Jun. 13, 2012

The Ewings are back—with hearing loss

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By David H. Kirkwood A blog is a good place to be candid, so I’ll confess that for a good many years I was hooked on Dallas. No, not the city, though I do have some good friends at Callier. The Dallas that kept me home on far too many Friday evenings in the late 1970s and the 1980s (this
May. 30, 2012

Unleash the power of creative destruction in your practice

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Brian Taylor’s advice to hearing care professionals on how to offer their patients services that cannot be provided by sophisticated machines or inexpensive labor overseas was published originally on the Hearing Economics blog on May 16. Holly Hosford-Dunn, the editor of Hearing Economics, and I agreed that we should bring his valuable ideas to the attention of readers who missed
May. 25, 2012

Medicare, Billing and Free Tests

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
If you are a Medicare Provider do you and your staff know the rules you have to follow for Medicare?  If you are a patient, why will some places give you a “free” test and others will not?  Answering these answers requires covering a lot of ground. What prompted these questions was a class I taught concerning insurance in “Business
May. 23, 2012

Comments provide good reading, but they also require tough decisions

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By David H. Kirkwood One of the joys, headaches, and responsibilities that come with being a blog editor is dealing with the comments that are constantly flowing in—literally–24-7. And what a motley assortment of communications they are, especially if you consider the spam.   THE SPAMDEMIC In fact, the great majority of the comments (to use the term loosely) that
May. 16, 2012

Friends and colleagues pay tribute to Bob Sandlin

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
In the days following the death of Dr. Robert Sandlin on May 4, the Internet was filled with heartfelt expressions of sorrow and fond reminiscences by Bob’s countless friends and admirers. Last week on Hearinghealthmatters.org, Wayne’s World and Hearing News Watch published tributes to him. However, in view of the continuing outpouring of tributes to this extraordinary audiologist and no less
May. 02, 2012

The picture is looking brighter for hard-of-hearing movie fans

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By David H. Kirkwood It may not be quite a Hollywood ending, but it seems that better times are on the horizon for movie lovers whose hearing loss has prevented them from pursuing their passion. I certainly hope so. As someone who shares their passion for movies, I can empathize with the disappointment and frustration that deaf and hard-of-hearing cinephiles
Featured image for “Rechargeable batteries and hearing aids are a natural fit”
Apr. 25, 2012

Rechargeable batteries and hearing aids are a natural fit

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Gabrielle Filips, AuD As professionals in the hearing health industry, our main goal is to ensure the best hearing experience possible for hearing aid wearers. That experience  goes beyond the way wearers hear in their surroundings, and extends to how they handle and manage their hearing aids and hearing aid batteries. Currently, the percentage of hearing aid wearers who