Hearing Health & Technology Matters

Nick Fitzgerald has served as HHTM’s Chief Marketing Officer for the past 3 years. He is the President and Owner of AuDSEO, a full service digital marketing agency. With over 15 years of digital marketing experience, Nick is a highly data-driven marketer, with expertise in search engine optimization, digital analytics and forensics, social media, digital advertising, and web development. He has been involved in the construction and optimization of nearly 1,000 web presences, including some of the largest Fortune 500 companies.
Apr. 24, 2012

Reducing Ototoxicity from Cancer Treatment in Children

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
We reach out to physicians by sending monthly fax and email educational pieces.  Our Audiologist Diana Holan, MS, wrote this section for a recent physician outreach.  I wanted to pass it along in today’s post. Incidence of hearing loss as a side effect of chemotherapy (i.e. cisplatin and carboplatin) is well documented, although it usually is reported only for patients
Apr. 11, 2012

Our future: Will it be Hearing Spaghetti or Audiology Armageddon?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
This week, I am pleased to present a Hearing View by Christine Diles, AuD. It is a revised version of a post that was originally published March 20 on the Hearing Economics blog at Hearinghealthmatters.org. David H. Kirkwood, Editor, Hearing Views   By Christine Diles About 20 years ago, Lars Kolind, then CEO of Oticon, transformed the Danish-based hearing aid company
Apr. 04, 2012

As hearing professionals, we’re caregivers–and also advocates for those with hearing loss

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Melissa K. Rodriguez Last June, the New York Times reported that two veteran New York police officers had been being forced to retire because of the NYPD’s newly enforced rule barring officers from wearing hearing aids on the job. The Times also reported that younger officers had been instructed to stop wearing their aids or risk losing their jobs. This
Apr. 04, 2012

What Do You Do With Your Drug List?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
As clinicians, whether we are dispensers or audiologists, most of the people we come into contact with ask us about the effects of medication on hearing and balance.  We also query patients on their medications as part of the the history taking portion of diagnostic evaluations. But how many of us look up each medication?  We are familiar with some
Mar. 20, 2012

To the Beat of Your Heart: Glomus Tumor

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
There are many ways I could go with a title. But this time it does not consist of a bug looking back at you, moving around in your ear canal, making it sound like there is a bass drum in your ear! As I continue with certain conditions we may encounter during the course of our practices, this week I
Mar. 06, 2012

External Otitis with a twist

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Some of the patients you serve may have recurrent otitis externa for which no medication seems to help.  In this situation, the real culprit may be eczema in the external ear canal.  The medical term is chronic eczematous external otitis.  Sometimes the only symptom will be itching or pain in the ear canal, with no flaking or visible inflammation. It is
Feb. 29, 2012

Coming soon… to Boston… live and in person… for the first time ever… THE NOW READY-FOR-PRIME-TIME BLOGGERS!!!

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By David H. Kirkwood I want to let you in on a little secret. While the blog Hearinghealthmatters.org (HHM) has been published for nearly 11 months, the team that makes it happen is more virtual than real. Sure, the dozen of us editors who post weekly on The Blogs @ Hearing Health & Technology Matters are flesh-and-blood people. Or, at
Feb. 15, 2012

Audiology’s neglect of rehabilitation is growing increasingly troublesome

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Maurice H. Miller When we deny our hearing aid patients effective programs of rehabilitation, we render them unable to function in a variety of important real-life listening situations. We also increase their isolation from loved ones and society. We may be giving them more sophisticated hearing aids with adjustable digital circuitry and almost infinitely variable microphone circuits. But, are
Feb. 07, 2012

HHS Secretary urged to define “properly fitted hearing aids” as an essential health benefit

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
The following message was e-mailed on January 31 to Kathleen Sebelius, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). It is published here with the permission of the signatories. PROMINENT ADVOCATES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES ASK FOR GUARANTEED ACCESS TO HEARING AID COVERAGE NATIONWIDE Dear Secretary Sebelius, The undersigned organizations submit this response to the Essential Health Benefits (EHB) Bulletin,
Feb. 07, 2012

A Positive Attitude, A Happy Person Makes

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
A friend shared this link with me since we converse occasionally about motivating ourselves and those we work with.  We are in vastly different areas of the work force. He is a manager with Microsoft and I am in Private Practice Audiology.  The message he brought to me rings true across careers when it comes to having a positive attitude