Hearing Health & Technology Matters

Nick Fitzgerald has served as HHTM’s Chief Marketing Officer for the past 3 years. He is the President and Owner of AuDSEO, a full service digital marketing agency. With over 15 years of digital marketing experience, Nick is a highly data-driven marketer, with expertise in search engine optimization, digital analytics and forensics, social media, digital advertising, and web development. He has been involved in the construction and optimization of nearly 1,000 web presences, including some of the largest Fortune 500 companies.
Featured image for “In the Beginning was the Word: Unraveling HearUSA, part 2”
Jul. 12, 2011

In the Beginning was the Word: Unraveling HearUSA, part 2

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
… the hearing industry has been … loosely organized … lacking defined standards of quality in both the provision of testing services and in product performance.  Consumers…have not developed a confidence about audiology in general as being a serious aspect of health care and concern.{{1}}[[1]]HEARx Marketing Plan, internal document, 1986.  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this post come from
Jul. 06, 2011

Hearing aids and implants: If you’ve got ‘em, flaunt ‘em

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Amy Sargent Flaunt those bits and pieces! No, I’m not being naughty or risqué–though I’ve been known to be so! “Bits and pieces” are the euphemisms I use for hearing aids (HAs) and cochlear implants (CIs). It’s amazing how “hearing aids” and “cochlear implants” are dirty words to many of those who need them. A lot of people who
Jul. 06, 2011

Have you done your W9 for Your 1099?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
In the past in the US we have had to report companies we have paid a significant amount to to the IRS.  This year most all of the vendors, maintenance, local, etc will need to be reported to the IRS for as little as $600.  When I posed the question to my accountant, here was her answer. “The W-9 is
Featured image for “Life in the Fast Lane: Unraveling HearUSA, part 1”
Jul. 05, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane: Unraveling HearUSA, part 1

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
“The Company’s strategy includes immediate public differentiation from all existing hearing centers.”{{1}}[[1]]HEARx Marketing Plan, internal document, about 1986.[[1]] Thus began one man’s corporate vision to revolutionize hearing care in the US and Canada, and also make a bunch of money. Based on current headlines, it seems the vision has been achieved.  The corporation–currently known as HearUSA  for a few more months
Jun. 29, 2011

What Keeps Me Up at Night

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
When I decided to go out on my own, my main concern was, “how can I manage maternity leave?” I had the choice of buying an office from my boss, or going along with the sale of her practices. It is funny to me now, but this was a huge thought to me. Well, my oldest is 10 and 1/2
Featured image for “Who Ya Gonna Serve:  Shareholders or Stakeholders?”
Jun. 28, 2011

Who Ya Gonna Serve: Shareholders or Stakeholders?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
 If any investors believe that the SEC’s enforcement actions drove insider trading out of the markets, they are beyond mere legal help.{{1}}[[1]]http://www.professorbainbridge.com/professorbainbridgecom/2010/04/is-insider-trading-bad-if-so-why.html[[1]] Back in April, we reported on possible insider trading in the hearing aid industry and promised some educational discussion of fiduciary duty and the stakeholder paradox in a follow-up post{{2}}[[2]]https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearingeconomics/2011/hearing-aid-insider-trading-big-time-or-bush-league/[[2]].  It’s not stuff we get in graduate school,
Featured image for ““Together, we say, let’s loop America!””
Jun. 28, 2011

“Together, we say, let’s loop America!”

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By David Myers With palpable excitement, 235 people from 11 countries converged on Washington, DC in late June for the culmination of the year-long Get in the Hearing Loop joint project of the Hearing Loss Association of America and the American Academy of Audiology. The animating vision—in my mind, and seemingly for many others—is nothing short of doubling hearing instrument
Jun. 23, 2011

The Beauty of a Smart Phone

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
I recently received this email from one of my audiologists: “Hi All, I shared this with a patient today and thought I should send it to everyone as well. One of my cochlear implant patients uses an app called “ClearCaptions” to caption his phone calls on his iPhone. The app is also available on Android Market so it’s not only
Jun. 22, 2011

“Don’t ask, don’t tell” doesn’t make sense for hearing loss either

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By David H. Kirkwood The June 20 New York Times ran a story that I think will be of particular interest to people with hearing loss who are—or want to be—in the work force. Written by Joseph Goldstein, this excellent article (available at www.nytimes.com/2011/06/20/nyregion/ny-enforces-ban-on-police-officers-using-hearing-aids.html?_r=1) tells about two veteran New York police officers who were forced to retire because they wore
Featured image for “Complaining Nation: Should Audiologists and Hearing Aid Manufacturers Keep the Bad?”
Jun. 21, 2011

Complaining Nation: Should Audiologists and Hearing Aid Manufacturers Keep the Bad?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Economics is all about data collection–lots and lots of data.  To what end, you may ask?  The idea is that if you have enough data on all possible responses in the market, you can probably develop models that will predict consequences of what you do right now.  For instance, wouldn’t you like a model that lets you know the consequences of raising