Marshall Chasin, AuD, is an audiologist and the Director of Auditory Research at the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada, Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto (in Linguistics), Associate Professor in the School of Communication Disorders and Sciences at the Western University. He is the author of over 200 articles and 7 books including Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss. Dr. Chasin has been the recipient of many awards over the years including the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Award for service to Canada and the Canada 150 Medal in 2017. He has developed a new TTS app called Temporary Hearing Loss Test app.
Sep. 29, 2015

The Ear Gets Tough- part 2

Marshall Chasin
This is a continuation of something that is possibly similar to the phenomenon mentioned in part 1 of this blog  but I am not sure. In part 1 of this blog series it was shown that hearing loss over time was asymptotic, meaning that over the years, even though hearing loss continued to increase, the increase was less and less.
Sep. 22, 2015

The ear gets tough- part 1

Marshall Chasin
At the last National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA) meeting in New Orleans I had the opportunity to run in to Ulf Rosenhall in the elevator. Having never met him, I recognized him by his name tag, and immediately started to tell him about his excellent 1990 study, in perhaps more detail than I should have. Unfortunately for Dr. Rosenhall, his
Sep. 15, 2015

The Evil Piccolo Player

Marshall Chasin
I had a case last week where a violinist came in complaining about years of violin exposure, and oh yeah, as an afterthought, there is an evil piccolo player to my left. (Actually the piccolo player is very nice, but his instrument is “acoustically evil”.) After taking a case history to ensure that there are no other noise or music
Sep. 08, 2015

Mick Jagger and his publicists obviously never studied speech sciences

Marshall Chasin
Once upon a time, when he was only 16 years old, Mick Jagger bit off the top of his tongue. There seem to be some confusion whether it was during a basketball game, a soccer game, or during a gymnastics event, but regardless, when he was 16 he bit off the tip of his tongue, or so his publicists say.
Sep. 08, 2015

Quel est le meilleur instrument de musique pour un enfant malentendant?

Marshall Chasin
par Marshall Chasin, AuD Je reçois parfois des appels téléphoniques et des courriels de parents d’enfants malentendants me demandant de quel instrument de musique leurs d’enfants devraient jouer. En réalité, je reçois ce genre de demande presque chaque semaine! Supposons que l’enfant ait une déficience auditive bilatérale, à haute fréquence, « typique » que l’on trouve communément avec de nombreuses
Sep. 01, 2015

I just bought a Didgeridoo- part 3

Marshall Chasin
To complete this three part blog series on the Didgeridoo, we need to look at the effect of curves in the tube. Actually we don’t need to look into that… but we will see why shortly. Didgeridoos, because they come from everyday branches or hollowed out trunks of small trees, are not always straight.   The same can be said for
Aug. 25, 2015

I just bought a Didgeridoo- part 2

Marshall Chasin
In part 1 of this blog series, the acoustics of the Didgeridoo were discussed showing that like a trumpet or clarinet, the Digeridoo functions as a quarter wavelength resonator with odd numbered harmonics of the equation F = v/4L where v is the speed of sound and L is the length of the tube. The Didgeridoo that I recently purchased
Aug. 18, 2015

I Just Bought a Didgeridoo – Part 1

Marshall Chasin
I just returned from a speaking engagement in Australia and learned quite a few things about down-under. Koalas are not bears; they are marsupials, so it’s wrong to call them Koala bears even though everyone I know, does. In certain, less populated areas it’s a smart idea to shake out your shoes before putting them on in the morning in
Aug. 11, 2015

La Technologie Aide les Personnes Malentendantes à Rester « Bouclées »

Marshall Chasin
Les défenseurs des droits des personnes malentendantes espèrent qu’une technologie qui diminue radicalement le bruit de fond pour les personnes malentendantes trouvera sa place dans les lieux publics partout au Canada. La technologie, appelée « boucle auditive » (hearing loop), est un cable fin émettant des signaux que la plupart des appareils auditifs et des implants cochléaires peuvent capter. Lorsque
Aug. 04, 2015

Kanye West’s sound engineer is probably wrong…

Marshall Chasin
Kanye West was the main performer at the Pan American games that were just completed in Toronto, Canada. (Actually I think that they should be called the Pan Canadian games…). It was the most successful of games ever with the largest number of athletes of any previous Pan Am games. It was also a nightmare when it came to traffic.