Marshall Chasin, AuD, is an audiologist and the Director of Auditory Research at the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada, Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto (in Linguistics), Associate Professor in the School of Communication Disorders and Sciences at the Western University. He is the author of over 200 articles and 7 books including Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss. Dr. Chasin has been the recipient of many awards over the years including the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Award for service to Canada and the Canada 150 Medal in 2017. He has developed a new TTS app called Temporary Hearing Loss Test app.
May. 13, 2014

Audiology sound booths- the great Atlantic Divide

Marshall Chasin
Look at any North American audiology clinic and you will typically find the client sitting in a sound-treated booth and the audiologist sitting either in an adjacent booth or in a quiet room outside the booth. Now, get on a plane and go to Zurich, Berlin, or Florence, and the approach is quite different. Typically you will see one booth,
May. 06, 2014

Mindfulness and tinnitus- part 2.

Marshall Chasin
In my previous post I talked about mindfulness and how it may be useful to minimize the effects of tinnitus that a person may experience. I defined mindfulness according to the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn, who wrote that mindfulness is “an awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a sustained and particular way- on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.” In
Apr. 29, 2014

L’Accès aux Antipodes – Comment l’Australie a Atteint les plus Hauts Niveaux mondiaux D’accès au Cinéma

Marshall Chasin
Par Alex Varley PDG de Media Access Australia, l’organisme sans but lucratif qui travaille avec les organisations communautaires, le gouvernement et l’industrie afin d’établir l’accès aux médias et à l’information, explique comment cela s’est produit. L’Australie était en retard en matière d’accès au cinéma, nous observions le sous-titrage de la télévision et des DVD se répandre, mais le cinéma soulevait
Apr. 29, 2014

Mindfulness and Tinnitus – Part 1

Marshall Chasin
Marshall:    “Good morning. Come on in, and we’ll get to work”…. “… so after everything that you just told me, your main concern appears to be your tinnitus, right?” Musician:   “Yes, I just told you that!” Marshall:     “Can you describe your tinnitus a bit more to me?” Musician:    “It’s B flat with two overtones; F# and A.”
Apr. 22, 2014

Stonehenge and musical notes

Marshall Chasin
I was helping a friend move over the weekend and actually ended up lifting couches that were almost as heavy as one of the rocks from Stonehenge.  There were two differences between my weekend experience and those of 3500-5000 years ago when the stones for Stonehenge were moved to their current location. One difference was that I was just moving the couch
Apr. 15, 2014

Are treble notes “up” and bass notes “down”?

Marshall Chasin
Researchers at Bielefeld University in Denmark have found evidence that suggests why high-frequency treble notes are written higher up and nearer to the top of the treble clef whereas the lower-frequency bass notes are found nearer the bottom.  Historically it was thought to be metaphorical since the notes could just as easily been represented in the reverse order with higher-frequency
Apr. 15, 2014

L’inclusion et l’accès pour toutes les personnes malentendantes

Marshall Chasin
par Ruth Warick Notre association nationale, l’Association des malentendants canadiens, est une force directrice au sein de notre organisation internationale soeur, l’International Federation of Hard of Hearing Persons (IFHOH).  Dr Marilyn Dahl a été la première Canadienne à assurer la présidence de l’IFHOH, de 1992 à 1994. Dr Charles Laszlo l’a suivie de 1994 à 1996. Maintenant, 14 ans plus
Apr. 08, 2014

The musician as an athlete

Marshall Chasin
Athletes and the arts  is a collaborative initiative of American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Center for Music Arts Entrepreneurship, Loyola University (New Orleans), Performing Arts Medical Association (PAMA) and supporting organizations (as of May 15, 2011) —National Hearing Conservation Association, Musicians’ Clinics of Canada, New Orleans Performing Artists Clinic,  American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM), American Osteopathic Academy
Apr. 01, 2014

Les Rencontres Intimes du Type Humain

Marshall Chasin
Par Marilyn Dahl La réponse, chers amis, est “papier collant”.  Appelez-le “Scotch Tape”, ou “3M”, ou “Marque sans nom”, ou même “ruban chirurgical”. Quelque chose de transparent de préférence, pour des raisons esthétiques. “Mais quelle est la question?” demandez vous. La question est, “Que puis-je faire pour que tienne en place l’unité de traitement de la parole de mon implant
Apr. 01, 2014

The Musician as a Rock Star

Marshall Chasin
Who would ever have imagined that a musician could be a rock star?  I would never have believed that the word “musician” and the phrase “rock star” could appear in the same sentence! My surprise stems from the early 1980s whenb the only rock stars were audiologists who wandered into a hearing aid manufacturer’s office.   At that time, everything stopped