Marshall Chasin, AuD, is an audiologist and the Director of Auditory Research at the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada, Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto (in Linguistics), Associate Professor in the School of Communication Disorders and Sciences at the Western University. He is the author of over 200 articles and 7 books including Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss. Dr. Chasin has been the recipient of many awards over the years including the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Award for service to Canada and the Canada 150 Medal in 2017. He has developed a new TTS app called Temporary Hearing Loss Test app.
Mar. 25, 2014

An orchestral setup that Mozart would be proud of

Marshall Chasin
Although I have not seen Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart clinically for a couple of years, I know him well enough to know that he was ahead of his time, hated old conventions, and was always pushing the envelope to expand the music, especially when it came to the masses. So, if Mozart were here today, how would he have changed the
Mar. 18, 2014

FAQ Sur l’Expérience de l’Implant Cochléaire- part 2.

Marshall Chasin
par Dacy Zacharias  ( Q : Quand vais-je commencer à entendre? R : Le processeur externe, qui est porté sur l’oreille, est habituellement activé de 2 à 4 semaines après l’opération. Ce délai d’activation accorde une période de guérison. Après l’activation, l’expérience initiale de chacun concernant un implant cochléaire est unique. La plupart des utilisateurs d’implants cochléaires disent que le
Featured image for “An 8000-Hz Audiometric Notch with Music Exposure”
Mar. 18, 2014

An 8000-Hz Audiometric Notch with Music Exposure

Marshall Chasin
Last week I saw a violinist with an 8000-Hz audiometric notch in her hearing test. This is not unheard of and I have observed this clinically before, especially with violin and also some piccolo players. Textbooks in audiology are fond of stating that any long-term damage from noise (and music) exposure tends to be restricted to the 3000-6000 Hz region,
Mar. 11, 2014

What do spondees and music (and math) have in common?

Marshall Chasin
It is almost as if music has something in common with everything- psychology, physiology, acoustics, engineering, most areas of the arts, and now the lowly spondee. Recently I have been reading a book on combinatorial mathematics  (don’t panic- the book is written for the lay audience and not meant to conjure up memories of doing math problem sets with 4
Mar. 04, 2014

FAQ Sur L’expérience De L’implant cochléaire – part 1

Marshall Chasin
par Dacy Zacharias  ( Q : Comment un implant m’aidera-t-il? R : Un implant peut vous aider à profiter des activités quotidiennes comme regarder et écouter la television plus facilement, participer à des réunions de travail et à des conférences téléphoniques, vous mêler à des personnes entendantes dans votre collectivité, mieux communiquer avec votre famille, vos enfants et vos petits-enfants,
Mar. 04, 2014

Musical Roads, part 2

Marshall Chasin
In part 1 of musical roads, we reviewed the subject of where grooves could be cut into roads such that vehicles traveling 0n them at a certain speed would generate musical notes and tunes.  In Japan, South Korea, and the United States a few such musical roads exist, albeit for different reasons- in Japan and the United States as  a
Feb. 25, 2014

Musical Roads: Part 1

Marshall Chasin
Recently I have been reading The Sound Book by Trevor Cox and came across something I had never heard of before- musical roads.  Musical roads, as the name suggests, are roads that can “play” a song while you are driving on them.  The first report of a musical road was in 1995 in Denmark. Called the Asphaltophone, it was an
Feb. 18, 2014

My clinic piano as a teaching moment… for me.

Marshall Chasin
I have long known about the research of Dr. Brian Moore, specifically about his work with dead regions in the cochlea.  I have even purchased and used the TENS test to determine whether or not a region was healthy  enough to receive amplified sound.  “Cochlear dead regions” is a phrase that refers to a very significant amount of damage to
Feb. 18, 2014

A la Défense d’une Boucle d’Induction pour Dispositif Facilitant l’Ecoute aux Nations Unies

Marshall Chasin
Par Toby Brooks Tandis que les Nations Unies (ONU) promeuvent les droits des personnes handicapées dans le monde entier, l’organisation doit être encouragée à offrir un système d’aide à l’audition très efficace à ses délégués, visiteurs e employés. Margaret Snyder, utilisatrice d’un implant cochléaire, est la directrice et fondatrice de l’UNIFEM, le fonds de développement de l’ONU pour les femmes.
Feb. 11, 2014

What hearing aid parameters can we allow the musician to self-adjust?

Marshall Chasin
I am frequently asked by my musician clients if they can have control over my software programming tools when fitting and adjusting their hearing aid.  At this point I usually look over my glasses frame and, with my best paternalistic look, I say “no”.  At this point they get impatient with me until I explain in a calm and professorial