Marshall Chasin, AuD, is an audiologist and the Director of Auditory Research at the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada, Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto (in Linguistics), Associate Professor in the School of Communication Disorders and Sciences at the Western University. He is the author of over 200 articles and 7 books including Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss. Dr. Chasin has been the recipient of many awards over the years including the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Award for service to Canada and the Canada 150 Medal in 2017. He has developed a new TTS app called Temporary Hearing Loss Test app.
Mar. 05, 2013

The musicians I see all have TTS

Marshall Chasin
Only rarely do I see a musician in my audiology clinic who does not have a temporary threshold shift (also known as TTS).  This is especially true of classical musicians who perform 7 times a week (with Mondays off but three shows on the weekend- two evenings and a matinee), rehearse and practice several hours each day, and teach several
Feb. 26, 2013

Why one earplug is not like another earplug

Marshall Chasin
Ian O’Brien has been a guest blogger for us in the past and we are glad to welcome him back.  Ian hails from Australia (and I was tempted to put his picture upside down but didn’t think anyone would get my humor).  He has a couple of master’s degrees (music and audiology) and is working hard on his PhD at
Feb. 26, 2013

Un emploi intéressant

Marshall Chasin
By Mark Wafer Discours principal de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la SCO Reprinted from the Fall-Winter 2011 issue of Vibes magazine, with kind permission of the Canadian Hearing Society. Bonjour, c’est un plaisir d’être ici ce matin pour aborder un sujet auquel chacun de nous ici présent s’est trouvé confronté à un moment dans sa vie : un emploi intéressant. Mais
Feb. 19, 2013

The Berlin wall between music and speech – it’s now down!

Marshall Chasin
The Berlin Wall has fallen…. again…. Actually the wall between having hearing aids that can handle speech as well as the more intense components of music has been down for about a decade but for some reason the hearing aid manufacturers have not announced it. It is true that there are some differences between music and speech.  It is also
Feb. 12, 2013

Beyonce is obviously a “closet audiologist”

Marshall Chasin
The big news item in the United States recently is that it was found that Beyonce didn’t really sing live during the presidential inauguration, but just mouthed the words.  This news only hit Canada and the rest of the world now since it’s so cold outside that news (and the speed of sound which is a function of temperature) is
Feb. 12, 2013

Pour l’amour de l’ASL

Marshall Chasin
by John Bisson Reprinted from the Summer 2012 issue of Vibes magazine, with kind permission of the Canadian Hearing Society. Je suis réellement heureux d’être instructeur de l’American Sign Language (ASL) (langage gestuel américain) à la SCO. J’adore le langage, la culture des sourds, l’enseignement et l’apprentissage et j’espère pouvoir inciter des étudiants du langage à devenir interprètes. Je n’ai
Feb. 05, 2013

Control methods in assessing musicians’ earplugs Part 2.

Marshall Chasin
Last week we talked about using a higher stimulus level to assess the benefit of a musicians’ earplug.  Actually it was for all hearing protectors, but since this is a blog about music, this applies equally to musicians’ earplugs.  In that blog we talked about using a real ear measurement system and using the normal stimulus that comes with such
Jan. 29, 2013

Control methods in assessing musicians’ earplugs, Part 1

Marshall Chasin
This is a really neat topic, even if the title is really boring.  “Control methods….” of anything sounds dull.  This is actually a stolen title off an historically important article from the 1950s “Control Methods used in a study of vowels” by Gordon Peterson and Harold Barney (1952).{{1}}[[1]]Gordon E. Peterson and Harold L. Barney, “Control Methods Used in a Study
Jan. 29, 2013

Le Groupe de Tous les Choix

Marshall Chasin
by Jennifer Beer Cofondatrice et présidente intérimaire du conseil d’administration d’Ontario Hands & Voices. Reprinted from the Summer 2012 issue of Vibes magazine, with kind permission of the Canadian Hearing Society. Il y a cinq ans, j’ai donné naissance à un petit garçon appelé Harry. Mon mari et moi nous félicitions d’élever un bébé si calme. Les autres bébés pouvaient se
Jan. 22, 2013

Digital, analog, and acoustic amplification- three generations of approaches to the same problem…

Marshall Chasin
Several weeks ago a friend of mine came over.  He is about 15 years younger than I and is a drummer for a rather famous rock band.  My son had just come home, having recently graduated from the Berklee School of Music in Boston.  And for Christmas, I had just received an ironically low-tech acoustic amplifier for my iPad. Here