Gael Hannan is an author, speaker and advocate on hearing loss issues. In addition to her weekly blog at the Better Hearing Consumer, which has a passionate international following, Gael has written two acclaimed books, “The Way I Hear It: A Life with Hearing Loss”and “Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss”, written with Shari Eberts. She is regularly invited to present her uniquely humorous and insightful work to appreciative audiences around the world. Gael has received many awards for her work that advocates for individuals to become more knowledgeable and successful at dealing with their hearing loss and a more inclusive society for them to live in.
Dec. 24, 2012

Readers’ Choice 2012: What I Didn’t Know About Hearing Aid Batteries

Gael Hannan
When considering a blog about hearing aid batteries, I thought “What’s to write? When I put them in, I hear. When they sputter out, I don’t. I put in new batteries. End of boring story.” On second thought, I’ve been “doing” hearing aid batteries for 37 years (I started young), and  I don’t usually think about them until there’s a
Dec. 18, 2012

The Sounds of a Christmas Cyclone

Gael Hannan
As a person with hearing loss, there are many sounds I’d love to hear well again, like the sibilant ‘s’ and Christmas bells.  There are other sounds that I’m happy not to hear well any more – a person blowing their nose, comes to mind, or a cat expelling a fur ball. But the sound I hope never to hear again
Featured image for “A Hearing Loss Letter to Santa”
Dec. 11, 2012

A Hearing Loss Letter to Santa

Gael Hannan
Dear Santa, First of all, may I say that you are looking spectacular these days – a little trimmer around the belly and – even better –  a trimmed moustache around the mouth. We’ve never met, you and I, but if that great event were to happen, it’s nice to know that I would be able ‘speechread you’ without interference from
Dec. 04, 2012

Why Did the Chicken Man Get Hearing Aids?

Gael Hannan
The other day, I did a presentation of Sound Sense, the Hearing Foundation of Canada’s elementary noise-induced hearing loss educational program, to a class of Grade 4 students. During the fun session, we ask the 9 and 10 year-old kids about the noisy activities or really loud experiences in their lives. Some of the usual responses include irritating baby brothers
Nov. 27, 2012

EAR RAGE! (The Aha! Moment)

Gael Hannan
The Scene: In a salon, a woman sits down in a chair and removes the towel from her wet hair.  She puts her hearing aids back in and looks at herself in the mirror, chatting to the stylist.  Tell me honestly, do my hearing aids show? I mean, like a lot? I know I’ve always worn my hair long to cover my
Nov. 20, 2012

Does My Baby Have My Hearing Loss?

Gael Hannan
If you’re a parent – what did you worry about when expecting your first child?  Probably the standards – will all the regular bits be in good working order, will it be healthy and maybe, as a bonus, will it be gorgeous, too? If you’re a hearing parent, you probably did not worry about your baby being born deaf. And
Nov. 13, 2012

Full Facial Eclipse: Why I Gave Up Sports for Speechreading

Gael Hannan
November is a month of events that inspire emotions – Remembrance Day (grief), American Thanksgiving (gratitude), the falling of the leaves (awe), and the release of the new Beaujolais (love). It’s also Movember, the innovative fundraising and awareness event about men’s health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer.  During Movember-in-November, men show their support by sprouting facial hair all over their upper lips
Nov. 06, 2012

Best of Gael Hannan: Lament for a HOH

Gael Hannan
Do you know what really bugs me about being hard of hearing?   I simply detest the term hard of hearing. What does that mean, anyway? What do those words tell you about me, or the way I communicate? I need a better term  to describe myself, but the choice is limited: hard of hearing, a person with hearing loss, hearing-impaired, deaf
Oct. 30, 2012

Hearing the Score – Accessible Concerts for HoHs

Gael Hannan
The house lights finally dimmed and the stage lights came up. The audience stopped talking and fidgeting, and our eyes burned holes on the stage, willing Alfie Boe to come out and start singing. (If you haven’t heard of him, I’m happy to wait while you take a moment to look him up.) I don’t normally ‘do’ concerts; my ears
Featured image for “I Tawt I Heard a Puddy-Tat!”
Oct. 23, 2012

I Tawt I Heard a Puddy-Tat!

Gael Hannan
If I lived alone, my house could be filled to the attic rafters with varmints and I might not know it. My house issn’t dirty, but I simply wouldn’t hear an animal going about its business. The critter would put the word out to his friends and soon it would be a wildlife open house. A zoo of raccoons, mice, birds and