Gael Hannan is an author, speaker and advocate on hearing loss issues. In addition to her weekly blog at the Better Hearing Consumer, which has a passionate international following, Gael has written two acclaimed books, “The Way I Hear It: A Life with Hearing Loss”and “Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss”, written with Shari Eberts. She is regularly invited to present her uniquely humorous and insightful work to appreciative audiences around the world. Gael has received many awards for her work that advocates for individuals to become more knowledgeable and successful at dealing with their hearing loss and a more inclusive society for them to live in.
Dec. 27, 2011

New Year’s Resolutions for Better (Hearing) Communication

Gael Hannan
On the cusp of each new year, I dedicate some time to pondering my resolutions for the coming months. After about 30 seconds, I usually come up with a catch-all pledge to “be a better person.” This year, my resolve is more specific. In 2012, my goal is to be a Better Hearing Consumer, both in name and action. The
Dec. 20, 2011

Last Minute Gifts for the HoH On Your List

Gael Hannan
If your holiday gift list includes someone with hearing loss, don’t overlook the opportunity for a spectacular, one-of-a-kind present. We – people who are hard of hearing (HoH), CI users and deaf – adore the standard presents such as gloves, clothes, bling, and trips, and are not suggesting you stop wrapping them up for us. But if you’re putting some
Dec. 13, 2011

The Tinnitus Bell Tolls

Gael Hannan
Potato (po-TAY-toe, po-TAH-toe). Tinnitus (TINN-uh-tiss, tin-EYE-tis) People who have tinnitus don’t care how it’s pronounced, unless it’s pronounced dead. As in ‘no longer exists,’  with  all the chirping, sizzling, bonging, ringing, chattering and any of the other 117 identified sounds of tinnitus disappearing, forever and ever, amen. Ah, the dream of every tinnitus sufferer – silence on demand. I have
Dec. 06, 2011

What I Would Like to Hear This Christmas

Gael Hannan
Dear Santa, How are you? I’m sure you’re busy and this is a long letter, so I’ll get to the point. I have hearing loss, which causes a few communication issues at this time of year, as you can imagine. Well, maybe you can’t imagine, because you don’t have hearing loss. So, let me tell you about my challenges and why
Nov. 29, 2011

You Might Have Hearing Loss If……

Gael Hannan
Right now, thousands, perhaps millions, of people are struggling with a secret question. For some it has been a years-long internal battle. Do I have hearing loss? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I couldn’t possibly, there’s no history of it in my family. But I’m not hearing some things the way I used to. So what, everyone’s got the same
Nov. 22, 2011

How Much Does My Hearing Loss Cost Me?

Gael Hannan
I am not an economist or accountant, but it doesn’t take a degree to figure out that hearing loss has cost me and my family a mighty chunk of change through the years. Without a thorough economic impact study, it’s difficult to determine the true cost of hearing loss to individuals. It’s a moving target with many variables – income
Nov. 15, 2011

Do I Have the Perfect ‘Hearing’ Partner?

Gael Hannan
Perfect hearing partner /purr-fekt/hee-ring/pard-nurr/: noun, 1. acknowledged companion to person with hearing loss, possessing deep understanding and sensitivity to partner’s communication needs. 2. Someone who models optimal communication at all times and in all interactions. There’s my answer. I have been with the same man for going on 25 years and based on the above definition, my husband Doug is
Nov. 08, 2011

Face Me, Doc, I’m STILL Hard of Hearing

Gael Hannan
Having escaped from the waiting room zoo, I am  sitting in an examining room waiting to see my new ENT specialist. And hallelujah, it’s a real room, with a door. My previous ENT believed in the open office concept, a nightmare for patients with hearing loss. Suddenly, the doctor strides into the room, white coat and a medical intern flapping
Nov. 01, 2011

Speak Up, Doc, I’m Hard of Hearing

Gael Hannan
Ok, people with hearing loss, think quickly now. What’s the most challenging aspect of going to the hospital, doctor, or dentist? The eye exam where you can’t see the technician’s lips, let alone him? The dentist who wears a mask, but you can’t say ‘pardon’ with a mouth propped open by metal bars? The doctor in a rush who doesn’t
Oct. 24, 2011

Hearing Aids – What The Hearing Professionals Should Tell Us!

Gael Hannan
1. When you take your hearing aids out at night, open the battery cage. Otherwise the battery will corrode, and the corrosion will seep into your brain and make you go cross-eyed. 2. I know we told you that it takes 30 days or so to get used to the new hearing aid. But for many people, it’s more like