Gael Hannan is an author, speaker and advocate on hearing loss issues. In addition to her weekly blog at the Better Hearing Consumer, which has a passionate international following, Gael has written two acclaimed books, “The Way I Hear It: A Life with Hearing Loss”and “Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss”, written with Shari Eberts. She is regularly invited to present her uniquely humorous and insightful work to appreciative audiences around the world. Gael has received many awards for her work that advocates for individuals to become more knowledgeable and successful at dealing with their hearing loss and a more inclusive society for them to live in.
Oct. 18, 2011

A Hissy Fit about Noise-induced Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
Standing in the line-up of Tim Horton’s, Canada’s coffee-shop shrine, I heard the music leaking from the earbuds of the teenager behind me. And if I heard it with my severe hearing loss, it must have been really loud. I grumbled to myself, and not only because the noise was irritatingly tinny and nothing I could sing along with.  And I didn’t
Oct. 11, 2011

Lament for a Hoh: My Hard of Hearing Identity Crisis

Gael Hannan
Do you know what really bugs me about being hard of hearing?   I simply detest the term hard of hearing. What does that mean, anyway? What do those words tell you about me, or the way I communicate? I need a better term  to describe myself, but the choice is limited: hard of hearing, a person with hearing loss, hearing-impaired, deaf
Oct. 04, 2011

How To Talk to a Hard of Hearing Person

Gael Hannan
  Conversing with a hard of hearing person is much easier if you, the ‘hearing’ person,  are aware of the hearing loss. If you don’t know that the person you’re talking to has a hearing problem, you might be forgiven for looking in another direction (into space for example) as you prattle on, or mumbling, or putting your hands in front
Sep. 27, 2011

I’ll Read Your Lips, You Read Mine: Random Thoughts from a Speechreader

Gael Hannan
“Gael, did you know Digby has fleas?” asked my friend as he looked into the fridge for snacks. “That’s too bad,” I said. My friend turned back to me, puzzled. “What’s too bad?” “That the dog has fleas.” “Who said that? “You just did.” “I asked if you’d like a diet pepsi.” “Oh. Thanks…and glad to hear Digby has no
Sep. 20, 2011

The Day I Got My First Hearing Aid

Gael Hannan
Last week, writing about all the good reasons to wear hearing aids and my affection for Billy-Bob, my current set of aids, I thought back to the day when I got The First One. It was rush hour on St. Clair Avenue, one of Toronto’s noisiest streets, asI left the office of Miss Rowena Fothergill, my hearing aid dispenser, to walk
Sep. 13, 2011

11 Good Reasons to Wear Hearing Aids

Gael Hannan
I love my hearing aids, to the moon and back.  They even have names, Billy and Bob. But it hasn’t always been a love affair; a succession of hearing aids have been glared at, sworn at, and ignored.  I have pondered how much they would pull in on eBay.  But now, if I have to give them up for more
Sep. 05, 2011

The Power of Captioning, by Lauren E. Storck, Ph.D.

Gael Hannan
Gael Hannan has invited me to talk about captioning – which is my passion and my pleasure. I may not make you laugh, but  I hope to illustrate how extremely important captioning inclusion is for millions of people. Communication is crucial to relationships; it’s darn hard to have meaningful relations at home, at work, and in society without effective communications.  All
Aug. 30, 2011

Be Prepared: A Motto for Persons with Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
Do you think bad guys know about the ADA?  I mean, if I asked, do you think they would remove the mask, so I could read their lips? Notice to boy scouts of the world: I have ripped off your ‘rule to live by’ and it’s now part of my manifesto for living successfully with hearing loss. Be prepared! The recent
Aug. 23, 2011

Enjoying Music, The Hard of Hearing Way

Gael Hannan
“What sound would you miss most if you couldn’t hear it anymore?” I ask this to elementary students receiving Sound Sense, a presentation on hearing loss prevention. “Music!” they yell.  They are smart kids, because people with acquired hearing loss often mourn for the ability to enjoy music as they once did. Music is in my blood, and  it’s a
Aug. 15, 2011

The Learning Curve of My Own Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
The more I understand about hearing loss – its causes and how it affects communication – the easier it is to face my personal hearing challenges, and the better I communicate.    Sounds simple, but it has taken a lifetime to learn this. If I’m asked when I first become aware of my hearing loss, I answer, when my mommy told me.  I