Gael Hannan is an author, speaker and advocate on hearing loss issues. In addition to her weekly blog at the Better Hearing Consumer, which has a passionate international following, Gael has written two acclaimed books, “The Way I Hear It: A Life with Hearing Loss”and “Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss”, written with Shari Eberts. She is regularly invited to present her uniquely humorous and insightful work to appreciative audiences around the world. Gael has received many awards for her work that advocates for individuals to become more knowledgeable and successful at dealing with their hearing loss and a more inclusive society for them to live in.
Featured image for “Taking the Scary Out of the Hearing Loss Holidays”
Nov. 01, 2022

Taking the Scary Out of the Hearing Loss Holidays

Gael Hannan
Uh-oh, the holiday season is on us! Halloween was yesterday, and Thanksgiving, Remembrance Day, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year’s and a few others are still ahead.   At this point in the calendar, most people are, like, yay-hooray! But others, the ones who have hearing loss, have a little dread and nervousness mixed in with the excitement. It’s not
Featured image for “Flying High with Hearing Loss”
Oct. 25, 2022

Flying High with Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
Have you noticed how anxious people look in the airport? With looks ranging from mild frowns to serious panic, they navigate a busy airport full of people who look just like them. I’ve worn that look myself when traveling solo. Why is this? In an article on airport anxiety, writer Jenny Bhatia lists common sources of worry such as not
Featured image for “The Audiologist As Your Communication Partner”
Oct. 18, 2022

The Audiologist As Your Communication Partner

Gael Hannan
Last week I had one of my favorite speaking gigs: talking to audiologists, both those already practicing and those in training to become one. As a person with congenital hearing loss, I’ve been under the care of hearing care professionals (HCP) of all stripes for my entire life. I don’t think I’ve ever met an audiologist who wasn’t passionate about
Featured image for “Those Things on the Sides of Our Head”
Oct. 09, 2022

Those Things on the Sides of Our Head

Gael Hannan
I’m an admirer of human head decorations – head bling of all types. Purple hair, funky eyeglasses and jewellery – whether attached to the head with magnets, clips or piercings. I admire both the artistry and the artistic spirit of the wearers. And I adore earrings; my earlobes are never naked! Speaking of those things on the sides of our
Featured image for “How I REALLY Feel (About My Hearing Devices)”
Sep. 28, 2022

How I REALLY Feel (About My Hearing Devices)

Gael Hannan
I have written in glowing terms about my hearing aids and sound processors. How they lift me from a place of missed words, undecipherable sounds, and misplaced meanings. How they alert me to movement and action. How they connect me to people. I love my devices; I respect and even revere them. Except when sometimes, somehow, they go off the
Featured image for “Ways to Say “I Love You” to a Person with Hearing Loss”
Sep. 13, 2022

Ways to Say “I Love You” to a Person with Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
This morning, the Hearing Husband looked at me and said I love you. I know he said this even though I wasn’t up to speed technically; it was early and I had only one of my two hearing devices attached to my head. I am, however, a crackerjack speechreader and I saw him say it. After  I said it back
Featured image for “Looking at My Hearing Loss with New Eyes”
Sep. 06, 2022

Looking at My Hearing Loss with New Eyes

Gael Hannan
As a teenager with hearing loss, I often wondered “Why me?” It’s tough enough being a teenager, let alone one with a communication challenge. My friends didn’t need to sit at the front of the class in school. They could whisper secrets. I felt left out, even embarrassed at my difference. But over a long period of time (we’re talking
Featured image for “Random Thoughts on Drinks, Dementia, Hearing Loss and Tinnitus”
Aug. 30, 2022

Random Thoughts on Drinks, Dementia, Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

Gael Hannan
(Note: I’ve adapted this blog from my 2016 article, Drinks, Dementia and Hearing Loss. A great title, but as I don’t want to confuse Google, I’ve tacked on a couple of important words.) For those who have hearing loss and/or chronic tinnitus, news of breakthrough cures or treatments makes our hearts beat faster. Then it becomes: yeah, yeah, tell us
Featured image for ““I Wannabe a Hearing Person”: The Rant”
Aug. 23, 2022

“I Wannabe a Hearing Person”: The Rant

Gael Hannan
Ask me how my summer has been, and I will be honest: it’s been a mixed bag. Some great fun, sure, but it’s also the summer when I got a new hearing aid AND a new cochlear implant sound processor. AND new apps on my phone that stream them. All within a few weeks! Summer stress: device adjustments, sound levels,
Featured image for “Telecoils & Loops: Crucial to Hearing Happiness”
Aug. 17, 2022

Telecoils & Loops: Crucial to Hearing Happiness

Gael Hannan
I’ve been writing about telecoils and looped things for a long time now. So has almost every hearing health advocate I know, especially the indomitable Dr. Juliette Sterkens. Why do we keep shouting and writing about it? Because we’re passionate about their beneficial, positive impact on our quality of life. Because too many hearing care providers still pooh-pooh telecoils as