Michael J. Metz, PhD, has been a practicing audiologist for more than 45 years, and has taught in several university settings. In partnership with Bob Sandlin, they provided continuing education for audiology and dispensing in California for more than two decades.
Featured image for “Defend Our Audiology Profession”
Dec. 12, 2017

Defend Our Audiology Profession

Mike Metz
Editor’s note: Today we bring an opinion piece from Amit Gosalia, AuD, and Judy Huch, AuD, regarding the purpose behind a recent petition being circulated in the audiology community. They share their perspective with us today.   by Amit Gosalia and Judy Huch What started out as an education piece about the importance of keeping over the counter (OTC) hearing
Featured image for “Carhart’s Method”
Dec. 05, 2017

Carhart’s Method

Mike Metz
I visited my favorite car salesman the other day.  His dealership was fixing my recalled Takata airbag.  In the course of our conversation, Tom told me that the large automotive group that owns his dealership has purchased the 6 other dealerships in that auto mall.  They probably won’t rename the mall to reflect the large auto group, but each lot
Featured image for “Selling Your Dream Office or Just the Dream”
Nov. 21, 2017

Selling Your Dream Office or Just the Dream

Mike Metz
Talk to any old time audiologist.  Anyone who joined up early on and fought in the licensing wars, the billing wars, the coding wars, the equipment/new test wars, and so on.  They can tell some interesting stories about those bygone days.   New Time Audiology and Healthcare   Here’s some interesting stories from present days:  Large, famous, private medical office
Featured image for “Practicing for Now…or Later”
Nov. 07, 2017

Practicing for Now…or Later

Mike Metz
I would bet that every hearing care office that dispenses hearing aids has read almost every article published concerning PSAPs.  If fact, I suspect that many audiologists and dispensers have offered opinions widely and often.  I suspect many of these opinions are anti-PSAP or anti-OTC.  That position is understandable—dogs are being kicked.   At Times Like This, A Prospective View
Featured image for “That’s Where the Money Is”
Oct. 24, 2017

That’s Where the Money Is

Mike Metz
That response is attributed to Willie Sutton, a famous bank robber of the 1940s and 1950s, when asked why he robbed banks.  I have quoted it a couple of times during my career, not because I robbed banks, but because it is, in essence, brash and logical.    The Logic of Efficiency   It also has some vague application to
Featured image for “Unbundling the Cost of Hearing Aids: Change is Difficult”
Oct. 10, 2017

Unbundling the Cost of Hearing Aids: Change is Difficult

Mike Metz
by Meagan Lewis, AuD Change is difficult: it’s uncomfortable and it’s challenging. When you’ve counseled patients about hearing aid pricing in a bundled way for years, it takes practice to feel confident in presenting the itemized options- maybe a bit like patting your head and rubbing your belly. However, in representing yourself as the expert on hearing healthcare, it is
Featured image for “Unbundling the Cost of Hearing Aids: External Forces Require Adjustments”
Sep. 24, 2017

Unbundling the Cost of Hearing Aids: External Forces Require Adjustments

Mike Metz
by Meagan Lewis, AuD The world is changing, will we? Hearing Aids: The Social Policy View Recent changes at a national level are opening the door for consumers to gain more direct access to hearing technology. The FDA announced that people over the age of 18 no longer need medical clearance to purchase hearing aids. PCAST (Presidential Council of Advisors
Featured image for “Breaking Down the Cost of Hearing Aids: aka Unbundling”
Sep. 12, 2017

Breaking Down the Cost of Hearing Aids: aka Unbundling

Mike Metz
by Meagan Lewis, AuD Why? That’s the first question that many have asked when I told them that we were planning to itemize our services May 1 of this year. In fact, that’s the first question our staff asked when we started discussing the idea two years ago. Hearing Aid Price ‘Bundling’ Isn’t New We certainly aren’t the first clinic
Featured image for “Anecdotes from the Past”
Sep. 05, 2017

Anecdotes from the Past

Mike Metz
For any audiologist thinking about itemizing their statements—known in many circles as “unbundling”—some stories from the past might provide encouragement.  Today, itemization may seem unusual to patients and dangerous to profits, but in past years these actions were common, expected by patients, desirable and profitable.   It further demonstrated that we, as independent clinical providers, were legitimate.  For the most part,
Featured image for “A Cage of Monkeys”
Aug. 22, 2017

A Cage of Monkeys

Mike Metz
You start with a cage containing four monkeys, and inside the cage you hang a banana on a string, and then you place a set of stairs under the banana. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the banana. You then spray ALL the monkeys with cold water.  After a while, another monkey makes an attempt.