Hear The Music

Jan. 28, 2014

Acoustic Levitation

Marshall Chasin
Now, this is a great title.  It sounds like something out of the Twilight Zone or a 1950’s Japanese Science Fiction monster movie where Godzilla meets Von Helmholtz. Well, that’s partially correct- it is something from the University of Tokyo in Japan, and the history is well known.  It has to do with everything that has associations with wavelength resonances.
Jan. 21, 2014

Who is Bob Oliveira? – part 2

Marshall Chasin
In part 1 of this series about Dr. Bob Oliveira we talked about the implications of his 1986 patent showing that a piece of tubing must be glued to a silicon earplug to prevent the ear phone from falling out of the silicon plug- low tech but very effective.  Without the glue, we would not have people being able to
Jan. 14, 2014

Who is Bob Oliveira? Part 1

Marshall Chasin
Try this experiment.  Poke or drill a hole lengthwise in one of those yellow foam earplugs that are worn for hearing protection.  They can be obtained from your local audiologist or even a pharmacy.  For those technical people out there, the hole should be about 2.5 mm in diameter.  Then place a standard #13 piece of hearing aid tubing through
Jan. 07, 2014

Soft, Medium, Loud for Speech and Music- Part 4…For Brass Instruments

Marshall Chasin
This is the last in a four-part series touching on some of the problems associated with selecting the right programming features for a “music program”.   Over the last three weeks (actually four since we took a break for the holidays, and I hope you all had a pleasant and relaxing time), I talked about the features of speech and how
Dec. 31, 2013

Soft, Medium, Loud for Speech and Music- Part 3… for String Musical Instruments

Marshall Chasin
Welcome back from the Christmas break.  I hope it was peaceful and relaxing. This is Part 3 in a four-part series that touches on some of the problems associated with selecting the programming features for a “music program”.  Two weeks ago, I talked about the features of speech and how they may differ from those of music, as well as
Dec. 24, 2013

Readers’s Choice 2013: Why are audiologists afraid of musicians?

Marshall Chasin
This post is a Reader’s Choice selection for 2013.   Actually audiologists are macho and not afraid of anything.  They wear super-audiologist capes when not in the office and fly around unaided like Superman.  (Audiologists do not wear their capes in the office since they may snag on expensive pieces of equipment or trip up clients who inadvertently step on
Dec. 24, 2013

Happy New Year!

Marshall Chasin
Dear Readers: During this holiday season, the editors at Hearing Health & Technology Matters (HHTM) are taking some time off. However, we are not leaving you without anything to read on our blog this week. Instead, we are publishing a special holiday edition filled with what we call our Readers’ Choices. The Readers’ Choices are the posts published on each
Dec. 17, 2013

Soft, Medium, Loud for Speech and Music- Part 2 – For Reeded Instruments

Marshall Chasin
This is the sec0nd post in a four-part series that touches on some of the problems associated with selecting the programming features for a “music program”.   Last week’s post talked about the features of speech and how they may differ from those of music.  Part 2 (this week) and Parts 3 and 4 (to be published after a one-week break
Dec. 10, 2013

Soft, Medium, Loud for Speech and Music- Part 1… for speech

Marshall Chasin
This is part 1 of a four-part series that touches on some of the problems associated with selecting the programming features for a “music program”.   This part talks about the features of speech and how these may differ from those of music.  Parts 2, 3, and 4 will talk about the various characteristics of reeded musical instruments, stringed instruments, and
Dec. 03, 2013

An open letter to DJs

Marshall Chasin
Hey, stupid DJs, listen up! Actually that’s a really stupid way to begin an open letter to DJs, or for that matter to anyone else.  And I apologize for that, especially if you are bigger than me.  But it did get your attention. DJs are amazing people who have a memory that is probably unlike that of the vast majority