Hear The Music

Jan. 03, 2012

Hearing Loss Prevention for Musicians – ear plugs, humming and moderation- Infomation sheet- part 6

Marshall Chasin
This is the final installment of the 6 fact sheets that can be copied onto your office letterhead and provided to musicians.  There have been ones that relate to each musician instrument, and this one is obviously (as can be seen in the title) a general information sheet about hearing loss prevention.  These are used in the Musicians’ Clinics of
Dec. 27, 2011

Violin and viola players- information sheet part #5

Marshall Chasin
This is the fifth  in a list of 6 fact sheets that can be copied onto your office letterhead and provided to musicians.  There will be one that relates to each musician instrument, and this one is obviously (as can be seen in the title) about violas and violins.  These are used in the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada (www.musiciansclinics.com) and
Dec. 19, 2011

School Band Teachers- information sheet part #4

Marshall Chasin
This is the fourth in a list of 6 fact sheets that can be copied onto your office letterhead and provided to musicians.  There will be one that relates to each musician instrument, and this one is obviously (as can be seen in the title) about school band teachers.  These are used in the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada (www.musiciansclinics.com) and
Dec. 13, 2011

Bass Players and Drummers- information sheet part #3

Marshall Chasin
This is the third in a list of 6 fact sheets that can be copied onto your office letterhead and provided to musicians.  There will be one that relates to each musician instrument, and this one is obviously (as can be seen in the title) about bass players and drummers.  These are used in the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada (www.musiciansclinics.com)
Dec. 05, 2011

Woodwinds and Large Stringed Instruments – information sheet part #2

Marshall Chasin
This is the second in a list of 6 fact sheets that can be copied onto your office letterhead and provided to musicians.  There will be one that relates to each musician instrument, and this one is obviously (as can be seen in the title) about woodwinds and large stringed instruments such as the bass and cello.  These are used
Nov. 28, 2011

Guitars and Rock/Blues Vocalists- information Sheet part #I

Marshall Chasin
This is the first is a list of 6 fact sheets that can be copied onto your office letterhead and provided to musicians.  There will be one that relates to each musician instrument, and this one is obviously (as can be seen in the title) about guitar players and rock/blues vocalists.  These are used in the Musicians’ Clinics of Canada
Nov. 22, 2011

An interesting article on MP3 players- are we at risk?

Marshall Chasin
The latest issue of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (colloquially and affectionately referred to by its acronym, as JASA) had an article called “MP3 Player Listening Sound Pressure Levels Among 10 to 17 Year Old Students” (November, 2011).  This was written by Dr. Stephen Keith and his colleagues in Canada’s national capital… for those who don’t know
Nov. 14, 2011

The musician’s worst nightmare and Hallowell Davis

Marshall Chasin
Some would think that hearing loss is the musician’s worst nightmare, and some would think that it is tinnitus, but the musician’s greatest fear is losing their ability to perceive pitch.  This is related to hearing but isn’t the first thing that audiologists typically think about when they assess a musician. To understand a musicians’ fear of losing their ability
Nov. 08, 2011

How to test your favorite hearing aid for music

Marshall Chasin
About five years ago I wrote an article on how to test whether your favorite hearing aid can handle the more intense inputs that are typically found with music. {{1}}[[1]](Chasin, M.,  Can your hearing aid handle loud music?  A quick test will tell you, The Hearing Journal, December, 2006. 22-24.[[1]]  You may be recommending and fitting an absolutely wonderful hearing
Nov. 01, 2011

The use of the ER-9 earplugs in a symphony orchestra

Marshall Chasin
I would like to introduce this week’s guest blogger… Ian O’Brien. I think that you will enjoy what he has to say.  Dr. Marshall Chasin, Audiologist Ian is a full-time orchestral musician, a researcher and an audiologist. He has been working as a musician for over twenty years and advising musicians and orchestras on hearing conservation and audiological issues for