Hearing Economics

Featured image for “Wedding Planning for HEARx and Helix:  Unraveling HearUSA, part 7”
Aug. 16, 2011

Wedding Planning for HEARx and Helix: Unraveling HearUSA, part 7

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
In May of 2001, HEARx and Helix Hearing Care signed a letter of intent to join together.{{1}}[[1]] https://www.audiologyonline.com/news/news_detail.asp?news_id=295[[1]]  Wedding bells started ringing in June when the bride and groom announced a financing commitment from Siemens Hearing Instruments of upwards of $70 million “if Hearx and Helix meet certain business goals” which were breathlessly outlined in typical HEARx press release fashion: {{2}}[[2]]https://www.audiologyonline.com/news/news_detail.asp?news_id=258 [[2]] The arrangement provides
Featured image for “Enter Helix, Stage Left:  Unraveling HearUSA, part 6”
Aug. 09, 2011

Enter Helix, Stage Left: Unraveling HearUSA, part 6

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
HEARx entered the 21st century after a wild teenage life of excess, with lots of revenues, growing debt, a burgeoning central office, and negative profits.  HEARx was growing up and needed to get serious and find a life partner. Meanwhile, Helix Hearing, Inc. was incorporated in Cumberland, Canada in 1996 under the direction of Steve Forget (President), Jeff Giegel (CFO/VP), and Gino
Featured image for “Die Hard:  Unraveling HearUSA, part 5”
Aug. 02, 2011

Die Hard: Unraveling HearUSA, part 5

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Those of you attempting to follow this series may have concluded what I have about HEARx:  like Dracula, it just won’t die!  As one insider put it,  “It was a publicly traded company but most of the stock was not owned by the public. They always showed a loss and just kept issuing more and more shares” {{1}}[[1]]Support for this view comes from HEARx itself: 
Featured image for “Down Boy, Sit, Stay!  Unraveling HearUSA, part 4”
Jul. 26, 2011

Down Boy, Sit, Stay! Unraveling HearUSA, part 4

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
As last week’s post wound down, HEARx was hurtling toward  200 retail “hearing aid stores,” 14% US marketshare, and multimillion dollar profitability  by 1991. They didn’t make it.  By 1995, the company was a penny stock (NASDAQ Bulletin Board OTC: EARS) with  only 20% of the stores projected for 5 years earlier.  HEARx wasn’t nationwide and it wasn’t profitable, although top management continued to pull down
Featured image for “Follow the Yellow Brick Road:  Unraveling HearUSA, part 3”
Jul. 20, 2011

Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Unraveling HearUSA, part 3

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Part 2 of this series looked at the original HEARx vision in which ENT Medical Directors, guided by a 7-member Medical Advisory Board, were set to legitimize audiology within the healthcare industry and among consumers.  Today’s post describes the strategies for developing and underwriting this endeavor, as described in the original HEARx Marketing Plan{{1}}[[1]]HEARx Marketing Plan, internal document, 1986[[1]]. All quotes in this post
Featured image for “In the Beginning was the Word: Unraveling HearUSA, part 2”
Jul. 12, 2011

In the Beginning was the Word: Unraveling HearUSA, part 2

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
… the hearing industry has been … loosely organized … lacking defined standards of quality in both the provision of testing services and in product performance.  Consumers…have not developed a confidence about audiology in general as being a serious aspect of health care and concern.{{1}}[[1]]HEARx Marketing Plan, internal document, 1986.  Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this post come from
Featured image for “Life in the Fast Lane: Unraveling HearUSA, part 1”
Jul. 05, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane: Unraveling HearUSA, part 1

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
“The Company’s strategy includes immediate public differentiation from all existing hearing centers.”{{1}}[[1]]HEARx Marketing Plan, internal document, about 1986.[[1]] Thus began one man’s corporate vision to revolutionize hearing care in the US and Canada, and also make a bunch of money. Based on current headlines, it seems the vision has been achieved.  The corporation–currently known as HearUSA  for a few more months
Featured image for “Who Ya Gonna Serve:  Shareholders or Stakeholders?”
Jun. 28, 2011

Who Ya Gonna Serve: Shareholders or Stakeholders?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
 If any investors believe that the SEC’s enforcement actions drove insider trading out of the markets, they are beyond mere legal help.{{1}}[[1]]http://www.professorbainbridge.com/professorbainbridgecom/2010/04/is-insider-trading-bad-if-so-why.html[[1]] Back in April, we reported on possible insider trading in the hearing aid industry and promised some educational discussion of fiduciary duty and the stakeholder paradox in a follow-up post{{2}}[[2]]https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearingeconomics/2011/hearing-aid-insider-trading-big-time-or-bush-league/[[2]].  It’s not stuff we get in graduate school,
Featured image for “Complaining Nation: Should Audiologists and Hearing Aid Manufacturers Keep the Bad?”
Jun. 21, 2011

Complaining Nation: Should Audiologists and Hearing Aid Manufacturers Keep the Bad?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Economics is all about data collection–lots and lots of data.  To what end, you may ask?  The idea is that if you have enough data on all possible responses in the market, you can probably develop models that will predict consequences of what you do right now.  For instance, wouldn’t you like a model that lets you know the consequences of raising
Jun. 15, 2011

Regulation of Hearing Aids in the US, part 7 (the end!)

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
  Back to the Future:  Current Thinking at the FDA and in the Marketplace The burden of regulation continues to haunt the hearing aid industry and cost consumers.  Notwithstanding the entrenched regulatory mentality described in Parts 5 and 6 of this series, there were two interesting Citizen’s Petitions that were filed with the FDA in 2003.  Their purposes were to