Hearing Economics

Featured image for “US Ear Device Patents for January 2020”
Mar. 02, 2020

US Ear Device Patents for January 2020

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Route 66    Standard hearing aid treatment protocol follows a fitting and follow-up route of periodic in-office visit to adjust and tune instruments. In early stages, this usually means gradual optimization as patients accommodate to amplification. In subsequent years, it also means monitoring and adjusting for further decreases in patients’ hearing sensitivity and speech recognition.  The price of hearing aids
Featured image for “Improving Patient Compliance Through a  Focus on Counseling and Motivational Interviewing (MI)”
Feb. 14, 2020

Improving Patient Compliance Through a Focus on Counseling and Motivational Interviewing (MI)

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Growth and Prosperity   Having proudly served their community for decades, Hometown Audiology helped thousands of patients, often multi-generation families, to improve their hearing ability. As well-respected clinicians, Dr. Kim Miller’s team empowered those entrusted in their care to hear and understand better, at home, work and play, every day. From fellow healthcare providers to teachers, from first responders to
Featured image for “Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running? Part 3 – Implications of Health Insurance on Consumer Demand”
Jan. 27, 2020

Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running? Part 3 – Implications of Health Insurance on Consumer Demand

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
by Amyn M Amlani, PhD Today’s blog, Part 3, is the last in the series, “Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running?” Thus far, we have covered the: Developing market segmentation occurring in hearing healthcare (Part 1), and the Negative effect (i.e., cannibalization) of reduced retail pricing on total revenue, consumer purchase intent, and market brand within the
Featured image for “US Ear Device Patents for December 2019”
Jan. 20, 2020

US Ear Device Patents for December 2019

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Tis the season   Baby it’s cold out there, especially for the ears. Hence, the recurring, much-appreciated winter theme when inventors think up new ear warmers (D871677) and ear covering systems (10500098). The latter patent addresses an emerging technology-wrought crisis of sorts — how to keep ears warm while streaming music through earbuds.  The inventor’s solution is a set of
Featured image for “Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids as a Catalyst for Audiology Reimbursement Updates”
Dec. 28, 2019

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids as a Catalyst for Audiology Reimbursement Updates

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Dear Readers: During this holiday season, the editors at Hearing Health & Technology Matters (HHTM) are taking some time off. However, we are not leaving you without anything to read on our blog this week. Instead, we are publishing a special holiday edition filled with what we call our Readers’ Choices. Our Readers’ Choices featured this week are the posts
Featured image for “US Ear Device Patents for November 2019”
Dec. 22, 2019

US Ear Device Patents for November 2019

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Home Alone with Your Ear Devices Zipline Health’s patent #10463241 laments time lost and illness exacerbated by the inconvenient fact that “diagnosing external and middle ear infections requires a live in-person physician appointment and consultation.” The ear’s unclaimed territory beckons as a solution (image above). Zipline envisions  fully-loaded earpieces–light source, magnification lens, air conduction channel, miniature camera–coupled to an air
Featured image for “Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running? Part 2 – Consequences of Reduced Retail Pricing”
Dec. 10, 2019

Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running? Part 2 – Consequences of Reduced Retail Pricing

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
by Amyn M Amlani, PhD In Part 1 of the series on “Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running?,” the reader was provided with an overview of the supply-side’s strategy to reduce retail prices to encourage product uptake/adoption. Such a strategy, it was contended, supported the transition of hearing healthcare from a predominately provider-based market segment to a
Featured image for “US Ear Device Patents for October 2019”
Nov. 27, 2019

US Ear Device Patents for October 2019

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Behold, The Pinna Pinnas are visible and cute (e.g., Mickey Mouse, Hello Kitty and feature image). Historically, pinnas offered a popular form of corporal punishment and a quick sketch of evil-doers in 19th century German literature (“What big ears you have, Grandma”). And that’s about it.1 Audiologists tend to view the ear inside-out, focusing on inner ear sound processing functionality
Featured image for “US Ear Device Patents for September 2019”
Nov. 06, 2019

US Ear Device Patents for September 2019

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Ears Gone Wild   With the proliferation of voice assistants talking to an even greater proliferation of IoT devices, not to mention everybody talking at once, it’s a jungle out there. Orion Labs, among others, considers the advantages of facilitated linking of user devices to other communication devices so wearers can figure out what’s up in group situations (#10402612).  In
Featured image for “Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running? Part 1 – Market Segmentation”
Oct. 29, 2019

Pricing in Hearing Healthcare: Which Race are You Running? Part 1 – Market Segmentation

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
by Amyn M Amlani, PhD In hearing healthcare, price continues to be a hot-button topic of discussion among consumers, providers, advocacy groups, legislators, professional organizations, and manufacturers of consumer electronic products and traditional hearing aids. The fundamental issue is that consumers and their supporters believe the costs associated with and the value received in treating impaired hearing are misaligned. This