Hearing News Watch

Featured image for “American Academy of Audiology Publishes Updated Scope and Standards of Practice for Audiology”
Apr. 28, 2023

American Academy of Audiology Publishes Updated Scope and Standards of Practice for Audiology

RESTON, VIRGINIA — The American Academy of Audiology has published updated Scope of Practice and Standards of Practice for Audiology on April 27, 2023, on its Practice Guidelines and Standards website. The documents aim to define the profession of audiology, outline the areas of audiologic practice, and delineate acceptable standards of practice for professional services consistent with the Academy’s Scope
Featured image for “Bills Requiring Captions on All Public TVs Fail; Advocates Eye 2024 Legislative Push”
Apr. 28, 2023

Bills Requiring Captions on All Public TVs Fail; Advocates Eye 2024 Legislative Push

SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO — Loop New Mexico has has reported that HB 288, the legislation that would have required “captions always on” on public TVs failed to get placed on the agenda for the Senate before this year’s short session of the legislature adjourned. The bill had gotten “do pass” recommendations by two state House committees and then by
Featured image for “Industry-Consumer Alliance for Accessible Technology (ICAAT) Aims to Improve Lives of Those with Hearing Loss”
Apr. 26, 2023

Industry-Consumer Alliance for Accessible Technology (ICAAT) Aims to Improve Lives of Those with Hearing Loss

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), globally, the number of people with hearing loss is expected to double by 2050. This growing problem is driving the need for new technologies to help people with hearing loss to communicate, live, and work. A new online program called the Industry-Consumer Alliance for Accessible Technology (ICAAT) has been created to address this
Featured image for “Oticon Hearing Foundation Donates $30,000 to American Academy of Audiology Foundation Empowering Students Scholarship Fund”
Apr. 26, 2023

Oticon Hearing Foundation Donates $30,000 to American Academy of Audiology Foundation Empowering Students Scholarship Fund

SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY — The Oticon Hearing Foundation is partnering with the American Academy of Audiology Foundation Empowering Students Scholarship Program to fund scholarships for graduate students earning AuD or PhD degrees in audiology. The non-profit Oticon Hearing Foundation has designated a grant of $30,000 for scholarships for the 2023–24 academic year, with up to $20,000 in scholarships to be
Featured image for “Beltone Commemorates Roberta Miller’s 60-Year Milestone; IHS to Bestow Lifetime Achievement Award”
Apr. 25, 2023

Beltone Commemorates Roberta Miller’s 60-Year Milestone; IHS to Bestow Lifetime Achievement Award

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – Beltone today celebrates a remarkable milestone that is almost unheard of – the 60th work anniversary of Roberta Miller, Senior Director of Dispenser Relations at Beltone. The International Hearing Society (IHS) is awarding Miller with its 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award to be presented at their annual convention this September. Miller began her legendary career on April 25, 1963, at the Beltone headquarters
Featured image for “EUHA Now Accepting Applications for 2023 Sponsorship Award”
Apr. 24, 2023

EUHA Now Accepting Applications for 2023 Sponsorship Award

MAINZ, GERMANY  — The European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) has launched its 2023 Sponsorship Award, which aims to recognize and support young talent in the field of hearing aids. The award ceremony will take place during the 67th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians in Nuremberg on October 18, 2023. The award offers prize money of €3,000 Euros,
Featured image for “Announcing the Third Annual Good Vibrations Day | Bone Anchored Awareness Day”
Apr. 23, 2023

Announcing the Third Annual Good Vibrations Day | Bone Anchored Awareness Day

Oticon Medical will once again celebrate Good Vibrations Day on May 3, 2023. This marks the third year since the company founded this non-branded celebration to raise awareness of bone conduction hearing treatment, which is also known as Bone Anchored Awareness Day. By opening the celebration to all bone conduction device manufacturers, audiology professionals, and wearers, the hope is that
Featured image for “Beltone Returns to Chicago: Relocates US Headquarters After 17 Years in Glenview”
Apr. 23, 2023

Beltone Returns to Chicago: Relocates US Headquarters After 17 Years in Glenview

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — Hearing care retailer, Beltone, has announced that it is relocating its US headquarters back to Chicago after 17 years in Glenview, Illinois. The decision to return to its roots was based on the fact that many of Beltone’s employees reside in Chicagoland, and the company has a rich history in Chicago. The new headquarters will be located
Featured image for “Researchers Discover Molecule Cocktail to Regenerate Hair Cells in Inner Ear”
Apr. 21, 2023

Researchers Discover Molecule Cocktail to Regenerate Hair Cells in Inner Ear

BOSTON, MASSACHUSSETTS — Researchers at the Mass Eye and Ear have found a gene therapy approach that regenerates hair cells in the inner ear in mice, according to a report published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers used a drug-like cocktail of different molecules that helped regenerate hair cells in a mouse model by reprogramming genetic pathways
Featured image for “National Acoustics Laboratory Releases Annual Impact Report, Highlighting Achievements and Future Plans”
Apr. 21, 2023

National Acoustics Laboratory Releases Annual Impact Report, Highlighting Achievements and Future Plans

The National Acoustics Laboratory (NAL), a leading hearing research organization headquartered in New South Wales, Australia, has released its annual impact report for 2022. The report highlights the achievements and contributions of the organization to the hearing care industry over the past year and outlines its plans for 2023. The report showcases three studies conducted by NAL, which include Aboriginal