Pathways Society

Aug. 04, 2021

Home is Where the…ABR Testing Happens!

Dr. Frank Musiek
Ashley Parker, M.A. Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, University of Connecticut Erika Skoe, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, University of Connecticut   Motivated by the goal of making research participation more inclusive and more convenient, our lab, the Auditory Brainstem Research Lab at the University of Connecticut, has been taking the
Jul. 07, 2021

The Unsatisfying IEP (Individual Educational Placement) and CAPD: An Instructive Commentary

Dr. Frank Musiek
Cydney Fox, AuD, Audiology Solutions LA, Los Angeles, CA Why are IEPs so difficult? Supposedly, a time when the child’s educators sit with other contracted professionals, determine the student’s educational path, and make recommendations and accommodations, which always result in successful academic achievement. Right?? WRONG. It’s a meeting of education vs science. The educators often do not understand the audiologist
Jun. 22, 2021

The Frequency (Pitch) Pattern test @ 50 years: Remembering Marilyn Pinheiro

Dr. Frank Musiek
Frank Musiek, PhD This year marks 50 years since the original article on the frequency or pitch pattern test was published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA). The authors of that article were Marilyn Pinheiro, a post doc student, and Paul Ptacek, a professor, both at Case Western Reserve University. The article was not clinically orientated
May. 05, 2021

Can noise makes listening and learning easier?

Dr. Frank Musiek
Associate Professor Wayne Wilson Ph.D. Head of Audiology, The University of Queensland, Australia, E: [email protected].   It is widely suggested that noise impairs cognition (e.g., Ronsse & Wang, 2010; Shield & Dockrell, 2003). For this reason, we often seek to reduce noise particularly in learning environments such as schools and universities. But what if noise could benefit cognition? It sounds
Apr. 07, 2021

Some Essential Calibration Measurements in CAPD Testing

Dr. Frank Musiek
Frank Musiek, Ph.D., University of Arizona Many years ago, in one of my first job interviews, I was asked what the difference and related implications was between electronic calibration and acoustic calibration. That question is one I never forgot because at the time, I was a little surprised. But, after thinking about it, I realized its importance. Lately, I have
Mar. 10, 2021

Edge Frequency Plasticity and the Central Auditory Nervous System

Dr. Frank Musiek
Frank Musiek, Ph.D., University of Arizona   Edge frequency plasticity (EFP) of the central auditory nervous system (CANS) is a phrase that reflects some current interest in the research of auditory plasticity. It is also related to cochlear implants – especially for high frequency sensorineural hearing loss (HFSNHL), trans-synaptic degeneration, frequency discrimination, and even the pure tone audiogram. We will
Feb. 10, 2021

Pediatric Central Auditory Processing Evaluation

Dr. Frank Musiek
Editor’s note: After a number of requests to publish CAPD reports, we are pleased fulfill this demand. Louise Levy, a very busy, practicing clinician, has agreed to submit a CAPD report for the readership to view for this month’s Pathways article.   LOUISE LEVY M.S., CCC-A AUDIOLOGIST Name ZZ DOB: xx/xx//2008 Background Z was seen for an auditory processing evaluation
Jan. 05, 2021

Wilder Penfield’s Contributions to Auditory Science: A Commentary

Dr. Frank Musiek
Abbie White, B.S. Au.D. Student, University of Arizona, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences   Wilder Graves Penfield was a neurosurgeon whose contributions were vital to the field of auditory science. Born on January 26, 1891, in Spokane, Washington, Penfield made an impact at an early age. Penfield attended Princeton University where he became a beloved classmate and football
Nov. 04, 2020

Dr. Shivashankar’s Case Commentaries (Part 2)

Dr. Frank Musiek
Ediitor’s Note: This is part 2 of Case Commentaries by Dr. Shivashankar. Part 1 focused on a case of unusual conductive hearing loss and a Case of Landau Kleffner Syndrome.   Case C: An unpardonable error due to lack of in-depth knowledge about the spectrum of hearing difficulties an individual can have This is the story of a girl aged
Oct. 06, 2020

Dr. Shivashankar’s Case Commentaries (Part 1)

Dr. Frank Musiek
Editor’s Note: We are indeed most fortunate to have the venerable Dr. Shivashankar, from Bangalore, India,  share some of his vast clinical experience in NeuroAudiology with the readers of Pathways. This month we will present part 1 followed by part 2 next month. Dear readers, I take immense pleasure in sharing my clinical experiences with you through this note. Most