Let Me Introduce You
This week’s blog required little writing, but it does require some reading. Today, I am going to play information matchmaker. Sometimes it’s who you know, not what you know.
I wrote a blog here several months ago about the options available to people if they are diagnosed with an Acoustic Neuroma or Vestibular Schwannoma.
A few weeks ago, I came across an excellent article in the New York Times Private Lives section called Literal Balance, Life Balance by Adrienne Broduer. She is a writer living with a Vestibular Schwannoma. I hope reading both articles together can help gain a perspective of how science and real life mingle.
So, with no further hesitation, let me introduce you.
Science, meet Real Life.
Real Life, meet Science
I hope the two of you find that you have a lot in common and can form a mutually beneficial relationship.
Click on Real Life to see Ms. Broduer’s article, then click on Science to read my blog on treatment options.