
Featured image for “Traveling Successfully with Hearing Loss Takes Some Forward Planning”
May. 23, 2024

Traveling Successfully with Hearing Loss Takes Some Forward Planning

Shari Eberts
I love traveling! It’s always a thrill to learn about other cultures, discover new foods, and experience a different slice of life from my every day. While exciting, traveling can also be stressful. What do I pack? What if the food doesn’t agree with me? How will I navigate unfamiliar transit systems?  People with hearing loss have additional concerns. Will
Featured image for “Eclipse Glasses Messaging Highlights Opportunities for Raising Awareness about Noise Protection”
Apr. 26, 2024

Eclipse Glasses Messaging Highlights Opportunities for Raising Awareness about Noise Protection

Shari Eberts
Looking at the eclipse without protective glasses is like going to a concert with no noise protection. But the two events don’t seem to garner the same level of awareness or concern. What can we learn from the eclipse glasses messaging to raise awareness about protection from noise-induced hearing loss?  Eclipse Mania Hits the United States New York City, where
Featured image for “New Hearing Aid Images a Big Step Forward; More Work Still Needed”
Mar. 07, 2024

New Hearing Aid Images a Big Step Forward; More Work Still Needed

Shari Eberts
For many years, hearing healthy advocates (me included) have bemoaned the lack of realistic and modern hearing aid images that are used in the media coverage of hearing loss. News articles may tout the waning stigma around wearing hearing aids, but the accompanying images showing a beige, oversized and outdated device tell a different story. These misleading images often perpetuate
Featured image for “All of Us Can Help Change Mindsets about Hearing Loss”
Feb. 19, 2024

All of Us Can Help Change Mindsets about Hearing Loss

Shari Eberts
World Hearing Day, held on March 3 annually, focuses the world on the importance of proper hearing care. Each year, The World Health Organization selects a theme to highlight. Last year’s was “Ear and hearing care for all” showcasing the importance of integrating ear and hearing care within primary care. In 2022, the theme was “To hear for life, listen
Featured image for “Swim Plugs to the Rescue”
Jan. 27, 2024

Swim Plugs to the Rescue

Shari Eberts
My family and I love to snorkel. The brightly colored fish glittering in the sun are always a treat for the senses. Sometimes we spot something larger like a turtle or even a barracuda. My husband and son like to dive down to search for octopi and other hidden gems. This rapid change in pressure brings water into their ears
Featured image for “A Master Class in Self-Advocacy”
Dec. 14, 2023

A Master Class in Self-Advocacy

Shari Eberts
After each performance of All the Devils are Here, the actor Patrick Page hosts a 20-minute talkback with the audience. He is one of my favorite actors, so I was excited to stay after the show to see what he had to say. I hadn’t expected a master class in self-advocacy as well.  “I am hard of hearing and wear
Featured image for “Holiday Air Travel Tips for People with Hearing Loss”
Nov. 21, 2023

Holiday Air Travel Tips for People with Hearing Loss

Shari Eberts
It’s that time of year again, and everyone I know is heading somewhere for the holidays. No matter the destination, the holiday season is a busy time for travel, and that often means spending time at the airport.  Traveling can try anyone’s patience, but with hearing loss, there are additional challenges. How will I know if my flight is delayed?
Featured image for “Towards a more accessible world (for people with hearing loss)”
Nov. 17, 2023

Towards a more accessible world (for people with hearing loss)

In the ever-evolving landscape of assistive hearing devices, there has been almost a total shift away from individual solutions for transmitting audio to hearing aids via the telecoil to proprietary solutions that transmit to hearing aids offering a more integrated and seamless experience for users such as spouse microphones, TV transmitters etc. However the importance of the existence of telecoils
Featured image for “How to Create Your Own Accessibility at a Conference”
Oct. 16, 2023

How to Create Your Own Accessibility at a Conference

Shari Eberts
I’ve gotten spoiled over the years of my hearing loss advocacy, especially at consumer-related conventions where accommodations are plentiful. Thank you HLAA for always supporting our hearing loss needs with both hearing loops and CART in every session!  But sometimes I speak at other types of conferences in hopes of sharing a hearing loss advocacy message with more mainstream audiences.
Featured image for “Can you Buy Hearing Aids One Place and Service Them in Another?”
Sep. 14, 2023

Can you Buy Hearing Aids One Place and Service Them in Another?

Shari Eberts
Post-pandemic I have been wearing glasses more often, but in the warm days of summer, I needed sun protection. It was time for a pair of prescription sunglasses. A hearing loss friend told me about glasses with interchangeable tops—and one of the top options was sunglasses! Sold! Ordering the glasses online was easy. The company contacted my doctor to verify