
Featured image for “Real news and rumors on Auracast™ and the death of telecoils”
Mar. 27, 2023

Real news and rumors on Auracast™ and the death of telecoils

By Stephen O. Frazier There’s a popular misquote of Mark Twain where he reportedly said, “Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” He was alive and well and visiting Paris.  In a similar vein there is hearsay of the early demise of hearing loops, the most popular assistive listening technology for people with hearing loss. Rather than being exaggerated, those
Featured image for “Captions are Coming, But Not All Captions are Created Equal”
Mar. 12, 2023

Captions are Coming, But Not All Captions are Created Equal

Have you ever watched a television program with captioning, but the dialogue was still hard to follow? Perhaps the captions were inaccurate, or not well synched with the actor’s mouth movements, or maybe they were flying across the screen too quickly to process. I’ve experienced all of the above. More people are seeking out captions when enjoying media of all
Featured image for “It’s Time to Update Hearing Aid Imagery in the Public Domain”
Feb. 12, 2023

It’s Time to Update Hearing Aid Imagery in the Public Domain

Shari Eberts
Which image below do you think paints hearing loss and hearing aids in a realistic light?  Clearly, the one on the bottom right. But not everyone in the mainstream knows this, especially when bombarded by inaccurate and outdated hearing aid imagery on a regular basis. Amid all the media buzz surrounding the launch of OTC hearing aids, only a very
Featured image for “OTC Hearing Aids – There’s the hype and then there’s reality”
Jan. 24, 2023

OTC Hearing Aids – There’s the hype and then there’s reality

By Stephen O. Frazier The much anticipated roll-out of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids has now rolled and gotten more attention from the media than any other hearing care or hearing loss topic in years. Barbara Kelley, the Executive Director of the Hearing Loss Association of America, an advocacy organization for what’s termed the “invisible disability” and often, itself, invisible to
Featured image for “Hearing Health On Display at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)”
Jan. 12, 2023

Hearing Health On Display at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

Shari Eberts
It’s time to cross one item off my bucket list — attending the Consumer Electronics Show. Known simply as CES, the annual convention brings the movers and shakers in consumer electronics together for networking, new product launches, promotion, trendspotting, and good old-fashioned deal making. It was thrilling to see hearing health on display amid the latest products in gaming, housewares,
Featured image for “Finally! Live Captions on iPhone”
Dec. 27, 2022

Finally! Live Captions on iPhone

No excerpt
Featured image for “Why Isn’t Medical Treatment Hearing Loss Friendly?”
Dec. 14, 2022

Why Isn’t Medical Treatment Hearing Loss Friendly?

Shari Eberts
“I’m calling with some instructions for your upcoming medical procedure,” the nurse spoke rapidly into the phone.  “I have hearing loss. Can you please email them to me instead?” I asked. “Umm,” she replied hesitantly, “I would have to get special permission.” “OK, let’s try it,” I replied, “but you will need to speak more slowly so I can understand
Featured image for “8 Things You Should Do If You Have Tinnitus”
Nov. 19, 2022

8 Things You Should Do If You Have Tinnitus

by Ben Thompson, AuD Since the brain perceives tinnitus in the same manner as all other sounds, it’s possible to reach a point where your brain habituates to tinnitus and effectively filters it out, allowing you to focus on the things you want to do. In the same way that people who live by airports, highways, or busy establishments learn
Featured image for “OTC Hearing Aids – Why No Telecoils?”
Nov. 06, 2022

OTC Hearing Aids – Why No Telecoils?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Stephen O. Frazier For a significant portion of the hearing aid wearing public, the introduction of over-the-counter hearing aids became a non-event.  Why – because none of the devices being stocked by the Walmarts and Walgreens of the world contained what is, to those hearing aid users, a “must have” feature – telecoils. Telecoils are the antennas that receive
Featured image for “Bluetooth or T-Coil in Hearing Aids? For Now, We Need Both”
Oct. 14, 2022

Bluetooth or T-Coil in Hearing Aids? For Now, We Need Both

Trick question. Bluetooth or T-coil: Which is more important to include in hearing aids? The answer, for now is both. Because they do different things. We use Bluetooth to stream via personal devices like laptops, smartphones and TV sets while T-coils let us tap into hearing loop systems in public spaces like theaters, conference and lecture halls, and even pharmacy check-out counters. (Learn more about