
Featured image for “How to Make Your Media Content Hearing Loss Friendly”
Apr. 16, 2021

How to Make Your Media Content Hearing Loss Friendly

I am sometimes asked to share podcasts about hearing loss with my readers. And while I love to raise awareness about hearing loss topics, my first question is always, “Is there a transcript of the audio available?” Often, the answer is one of confusion. “But it’s a podcast,” they reply. “Podcasts don’t have transcripts.” The truth is that many of
Featured image for “Exercising Virtually with Hearing Loss”
Mar. 20, 2021

Exercising Virtually with Hearing Loss

Yoga and exercise are an important part of my daily routine. Almost every morning I hit my mat for a heart pumping HIIT (high intensity interval training) class or a rejuvenating yoga practice. On my best days, I follow this up with a short meditation. I used to take these classes in a studio and developed a method for practicing
Featured image for “When Your Hearing Loss Self-Advocacy is Viewed Negatively”
Feb. 14, 2021

When Your Hearing Loss Self-Advocacy is Viewed Negatively

Sometimes hearing loss can feel like a no-win situation. If you don’t self-advocate, you will be left out of the conversation. But when you do, your self-advocacy behaviors are met with resistance, or worse — contempt. This happened to a hearing loss friend of mine recently. She did all the right things to handle her hearing loss in the workplace — she
Featured image for “What People with Hearing Loss Can Teach Everyone About Better Communication”
Jan. 26, 2021

What People with Hearing Loss Can Teach Everyone About Better Communication

Today’s post is written by Zina Jawadi, a medical school student at UCLA with prelingual bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. In this post, Zina explains what people with hearing loss can teach industry about better communication.  At the end of our first full week of working from home due to the COVID-19 crisis, my team held a 20-person meeting over Zoom.
Featured image for “Does Your Audiologist Think Beyond the Technology?”
Jan. 19, 2021

Does Your Audiologist Think Beyond the Technology?

This is the fifth and final post in a series on why people with hearing loss should care about person-centered care. Today’s post discusses person-centered care’s fourth tenet: Think Beyond the Technology. For many of us, audiologist visits center around our hearing technology. Are our hearing aids working properly? What adjustments do they need? What accessories might come in handy
Featured image for “Is Your Audiologist Creative?”
Dec. 22, 2020

Is Your Audiologist Creative?

This is the fourth post in a series on why people with hearing loss should care about person-centered care. Today’s post discusses person-centered care’s third tenet: Embrace Creativity. Innovation is the only constant in technology and patient care, a double-edged sword for hearing aid wearers. On the plus side, advances make communication better and easier, but keeping up with all
Featured image for “Jacoti Brings Medical-level Hearing Technology to Affordable Consumer Earbuds”
Nov. 29, 2020

Jacoti Brings Medical-level Hearing Technology to Affordable Consumer Earbuds

Today’s post is written by Richard Einhorn, a hearing technology consultant for Jacoti, a composer and a recording producer/engineer. In this post, Richard explains why we, as people with hearing loss, should be excited by Jacoti’s recent announcement that it will embed its technology on Qualcomm chips. Read on for the details.    A Hearing Aid Alternative for People with
Featured image for “CHC Offers Hearing Hacks to Make Virtual Gatherings Hearing-Friendly this Holiday season”
Nov. 23, 2020

CHC Offers Hearing Hacks to Make Virtual Gatherings Hearing-Friendly this Holiday season

The Center for Hearing and Communication (CHC), a leading nonprofit hearing health care center in New York that provides comprehensive services to people of all ages who are hard of hearing, deaf or deafblind, today announced its tips on how to make virtual gatherings hearing-friendly this holiday season. Although the holidays are going to look a lot different this year,
Featured image for “How to Identify a Hearing-Loss Friendly Audiologist Office”
Nov. 17, 2020

How to Identify a Hearing-Loss Friendly Audiologist Office

This is the third post in a series on why people with hearing loss should care about person-centered care. Today’s post discusses person-centered care’s second tenet: Make Your Office Hearing Loss Friendly.  Heading to a doctor’s appointment can be a scary proposition for a person with hearing loss. We worry if we will be able to hear the receptionist’s instructions
Featured image for “Make Sure Your Audiologist Is Including YOU in Your Care”
Oct. 17, 2020

Make Sure Your Audiologist Is Including YOU in Your Care

This is the second post in a series on why people with hearing loss should care about person-centered care. Today’s post talks about the first tenet: Partner with your Patient.  Hearing loss sometimes reminds me of a snowflake — each one unique in its form and design. Some have smooth edges and intricate patterns, while others are simpler, yet singular