Hear The Music

Jul. 18, 2017

Glutamate, Adenosine, and our critical period of learning – part 3

Marshall Chasin
We are a bag of bio-chemicals mixed in with a lot of water and some other tissues and bone that give us structure.  My waste-line may be a slim 34” at sea level, but over 35” at the top of Aspen Mountain- we are held together by atmospheric pressure, bones and other tissues- but what makes us go round are
Featured image for “Glutamate and Stress – Part 2”
Jul. 11, 2017

Glutamate and Stress – Part 2

Marshall Chasin
I recall reading an article from 1983 in a then, new journal of the American Auditory Society, called Ear and Hearing. I remember showing it to my colleagues and commenting how silly it was and that they would publish anything, just to get an article to fill the pages of Ear and Hearing. Well, I was wrong!  Ear and Hearing
Featured image for “Glutamate and How We Hear – Part 1”
Jul. 04, 2017

Glutamate and How We Hear – Part 1

Marshall Chasin
Glutamate is the main neurotransmitter substance in the cochlea and auditory system that make it work. Neurotransmitter substances are the chemicals that live their lives in between neurons in the synapse that allow neurological impulses- inhibitory (IPSPs) and excitatory (EPSPs)- to proceed (and feedback) along the neural chain up to the appropriate center(s) of the brain. Names such as Dopamine and Serotonin
Jun. 27, 2017

Impulse noise and music exposure

Marshall Chasin
Dr. Richard Price has probably done more than any one researcher to delineate the potentially damaging aspects of impulse noise on our auditory system.  He did most of his work in the 1980s and 1990s at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, but had continued to publish well after his military incarnation.  Of course the military is concerned about minimizing the
Featured image for “Speech is not music… and music is not speech.”
Jun. 20, 2017

Speech is not music… and music is not speech.

Marshall Chasin
I am always surprised by how the various hearing aid manufacturers lump the two words “speech” and “music” together in one sentence…. “Hearing aid X can help with speech and music, and can help you jump higher and run faster….”.  Of course everyone knows that the last part is true and many of my hard of hearing clients can leap
Featured image for “Music therapy for sudden sensori-neural hearing loss…. but beware!”
Jun. 13, 2017

Music therapy for sudden sensori-neural hearing loss…. but beware!

Marshall Chasin
I recently saw a music producer whose ears are her life – and unfortunately she suffered a sudden partial sensori-neural hearing loss in one ear. We were lucky enough to have her seen by an otolaryngologist within hours and after an MRI, steroid injections were started. So far, this is not an unusual situation and course of action although, with a few
Featured image for “Are Polaroids needed all over again?”
Jun. 06, 2017

Are Polaroids needed all over again?

Marshall Chasin
I recall a time, not too long ago, when the only form of photographic evidence admissible in a court of law was a Polaroid shot.  This was a self-developing technique and as such could not be altered.  With the current form of photography and digital images, a 14 year old kid could alter it and even give me Justin Beiber’s hair.
Featured image for “The Influence of Technology on Music for People who are Hard of Hearing”
May. 30, 2017

The Influence of Technology on Music for People who are Hard of Hearing

Marshall Chasin
By Natalie Wilson Natalie Wilson is an avid music lover and guitar player who has dedicated her life to sharing what she knows on her blog. You’ll find a wide range of topics on her blog, including reviews, tutorials, and tips for musicians. Feel free to contact Natalie: [email protected].   Music is a universal art form that everyone can connect with. Despite the
Featured image for “Noise and the European Tree Frog”
May. 23, 2017

Noise and the European Tree Frog

Marshall Chasin
I don’t know about you, but when I am stressed by loud noise, my vocal sac coloration decreases and I’m just not as attractive as I can be. I have tried everything in my makeup kit to improve things, but alas, background noise can be deadly. Thankfully I am not a European Tree Frog though. An interesting experiment  was carried
Featured image for “Using musicians and non-musicians in research”
May. 16, 2017

Using musicians and non-musicians in research

Marshall Chasin
I have long been concerned that perhaps the musician is not the best type of research subject when it comes to assessing how a particular hearing aid algorithm or circuit may represent amplified music.  Researchers, such as Dr. Nina Kraus, have spent their entire working careers trying to figure out what makes a musician tick.  And ultimately the strategies used,