Hearing International

Aug. 30, 2011

New Product Approvals…..Why does all the good stuff go to Europe First? – Part I

Robert Traynor
Over the years, it has been amazing to see how Europeans seem to get all the really cool new hearing products first. One product after another has been approved for CE marking (approval for sale in the European Union) long before they were available in the United States. For example, the Envoy was CE Marked in August of 2006 and
Aug. 23, 2011

Are You Paying More Dollars for Hearing Aids These Days?

Robert Traynor
In international sales departments around the world, for all types of products, there are some countries (or some economies) that pay more for products than others.  The more robust economies often pay more  for international products than a heavily indebted, fragile economies.  It is thought that the sale of a heavily discounted product in another country at a lower price is usually
Aug. 17, 2011

Are Baby Boomer Patients a World-Wide Phenomenon?

Robert Traynor
Over the past 10 years, audiologists in the USA have heard a lot about the Baby Boomer generation and what these patients will mean to their practices and the field of Audiology.  We are told that this next generation of hearing impaired individuals are the largest ever and that we need to “be prepared” to be overwhelmed by waves of patients knocking down
Aug. 03, 2011

A couple of interesting things…From ZipAud.com

Robert Traynor
Pretty much everyone uses circles and crosses, after that the variation begins. Some use open and closed triangles, some open triangles and square brackets, but at the end of the day we are all aiming to achieve the same thing… to accurately describe our clients hearing levels.  Of course, I’m talking about the variation in how audiograms are recorded in
Jul. 27, 2011

International and Computer Connections in Psychoacoustics – Part II

Robert Traynor
In Part I last week, we left this discussion of the internationial connections in Experimental Psychology and Psychacoustics as an Englishman Edward Tichener (1867-1927) (pictured right) became interested in the writings of Wundt (pictured left) and later went to study with him in Leipzig, Germany.  After his study with Wundt, he began his distinguished career by teaching his version of Wundt’s ideas as a professor of
Jul. 19, 2011

International and Computer Connections in Psychacoustics – Part I

Robert Traynor
One of my first professorial assignments was to teach a Hearing Science Course at the University of Northern Colorado. As most new professors will agree, first course preparations are among the most difficult of their career and this particular assignment required a huge amount Psychology by S.S. Stevens (Pictured on the left).  Dr. Stevens (known as Smitty to his friends)
Jul. 13, 2011

Exposed Underwear: Making a Great Impression in Latin America

Robert Traynor
In the mid 1990s I had been traveling a lot professionally and  packing suitcases, waiting in security lines, waiting for planes, and other travel frustrations were part of a routine day.  As others that travel for a living realize, working in many places in the world are simultaneously both exhilarating and frustrating.  I knew the security details, what to have and not have in your possession, when
Jul. 01, 2011

Communication Through the Burka (Burqa)

Robert Traynor
Around the world we all share the same clinical problems dealing with diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. The hearing problems and patient’s reaction to them present the same difficulties in other countries that we experience here. As clinicians we have so much in common and much to share regarding how to rehabilitate our patients.  Evidence of this is on Facebook, Twitter,
Jun. 22, 2011

La Pérdida De Audición: El “Desventaja En Silencio”

Robert Traynor
About our Guest Author: Holly Hosford-Dunn, Ph.D is the owner of TAI, Inc, a boutique audiology provate practice is Tuscon, AZ.She is also the Editor-in-chief of Hearing Health and Technology Matters, LLC, (www.hearinghealthmatters.org).  She has authored/edited many text books, chapters, journals, and articles and has taught marketing and practice management in a variety of academic settings.  Dr. Hosford-Dunn respectfully submitted this
Jun. 15, 2011

What is an Akustiker?

Robert Traynor
When I went to Switzerland to work R/D and training with a hearing aid manufacturer in 1998, I had never heard the term Akustiker.  I knew that in some countries,  training for Audiologists is quite different than it is in the United States.  In the US,  where audiologists are graduate school educated with practicum in diagnosing and treating the hearing impaired, we are