Early head of audiology at Walter Reed dies

David Kirkwood
July 4, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC–Mary Jane Ambrose Postove, a pioneers of American audiology, died at her home here on June 15 at the age of 93.

Born in Dunkirk, NY, to Lillian Promenschenkel Ambrose and Thomas Patrick Ambrose, she received her master’s degree in audiology from the State University of New York at Fredonia, then earned a master of arts from the University of Maryland.

In 1944, she went to work as an audiologist for the U.S. Army in Chickasha, OK. In 1949, she was transferred to the Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, where she designed a complete audiology program for returning World War II veterans. She remained at Walter Reed until her retirement as head of the department.

She then became became a professor of audiology at the University of Maryland. She authored several journal articles and a book on audiology. Jane authored several journal articles on speech and hearing impairment and published a book on Scalogram Analysis in 1959.

She was married for 45 years to Herman Postove, who died in 2002.



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