In response to our story about the Walgreens-Sonova partnership that published on July 8th, we received a clarification from Michael Isaac, Director of Media Relations for the Sonova Group and will share his response with our readers.
Mr. Isaac was kind enough to provide Hearing News Watch with details of the relationship between Sonova and the pharmacy chain.
We can confirm that Walgreens was running a proof-of-concept project for a limited time, assessing the potential of a shop-in-shop concept for offering hearing instruments within its pharmacies.
This is merely an initial evaluation of the viability of such a concept and is part of Walgreens integrated pharmacy and healthcare strategy.
Rather than the 3 or 4 dozen locations as reported, there were four locations involved: Orlando, Chicago, Phoenix and Dallas.
While Connect Hearing is working with Walgreens running the hearing aids corner at these four locations, no decision on any future commercial relationship between the two companies beyond this limited time project has been made yet.
-Michael Isaac, Director of Media Relations
This blog would like to thank Sonova and Mr. Isaac for helping us set the record straight about the nature of their pilot program with Walgreens.