International Conference on Hearing Loops and Technology to Take Place in Berlin, Germany

March 6, 2017

BERLIN, GERMANY — The International Accessibility Conference on Hearing Loops and Hearing Technology, referred to as Future Loops, sponsored by Deutscher Schwerhörigenbund (DSB) and the International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH), is scheduled to take place in from October 6-8th, 2017, in Berlin, Germany.

The conference allows for vendors, service providers and specialists from around the world to collaborate and increase their knowledge regarding hearing loop technology. Additionally, it provides opportunities for hard of hearing people to learn about the benefits offered from hearing loops and related technology.


Conference Topics


The following topics will be addressed during this year’s conference:


  • Latest state of technology: hearing aids, Cochlear Implants, personal accessories
  • Inductive Loop Systems: technology and planning, microphone setup, care and support, future visions, database
  • Newest technology: iPhone-Couplings, Wifi, Bluetooth, Greta & Starks, Infrared, 2.4-GHz-Standards


Keynote Speakers


Horst Warncke

A social and technical innovator in the field of medical and hearing technology, Director of Audiology Oticon GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

Juliette Sterkens

An audiologist and the National Hearing Loop Advocate with the Hearing Loss Association of America

Peter Dieler

A counselor, coach and mediator for hearings issues working as an audio-therapist at the HELIOS-Rehabilitation Center Bad Berleburg, Germany


Deutscher Schwerhörigenbund


Conference Program


Thursday 5th October

– Evening Welcome for international guests


Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October

– The Main Conference


Friday Evening entertainment

– guided Berlin Highlights tour with dinner


Saturday Evening entertainment

– in a restaurant nearby Sunday – Cultural program Conference sessions will include:

  • Internationally recognized speakers
  • Experiences from all around the world
  • State of the art Hearing Loop Technology
  • Stakeholder perspectives (User, Audiologist, Service provider, Hearing aid Manufacturer, Loop Manufacturer, Architect, Installers and maintainers, Advocates)
  • Lectures and Discussions
  • The Impact of legislation
  • Installations and understanding complex Hearing Loop Systems and related Technologies
  • Demonstration area


For more information on this year’s conference, please visit the DSB website.

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