SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY — Nearly 500 hearing care professionals from across the United States recently attended the 2023 OticonNEXT Conference in Orlando, Florida.
The two-day conference, held from February 24-26, focused on providing hearing care professionals with new research and innovative technology designed to help them provide real-world benefits to their patients. Throughout the conference, attendees were able to attend presentations by keynote speakers and informal workshops with Oticon experts that provided them with the support, tools, and strategies necessary to exceed patient expectations and differentiate their practice.
During the conference, Oticon President Gary Rosenblum introduced the new Oticon Real™ and emphasized the company’s commitment to hearing care professionals.
“We have great products but the outstanding satisfaction patients achieve is directly related to the expertise of the hearing care practitioners who fit our products. We know that the medical model – acquiring excellent products via a licensed hearing care professional — is the very best pathway to success for a person with hearing loss. We design our products, like the new Oticon Real, with hearing care professionals in mind, as expertly-fit hearing aids allow users to access the full potential of hearing technology.”
–Oticon President, Gary Rosenblum
One of the highlights of the conference was keynote speaker Anu Sharma, PhD, Associate Chair of the Department of Speech Language and Hearing Science at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Dr. Sharma provided insights into the impact of hearing loss on the brain and the effects of well-fit amplification on auditory deprivation and neural plasticity. She also discussed her newest research, which examines the impact of sudden sounds and harsh noises on the brain. This information is crucial to hearing care professionals, as they can use it to help their patients achieve the best possible outcomes.
A series of interactive workshop sessions zeroed in on the tools and strategies hearing care professionals will need to shape their practices for success today and in the future.
To learn more about Oticon Real and to discover the entire portfolio of Oticon hearing aids with BrainHearing technology, visit
Source: Oticon Inc