NEW BRIGHTON, MINNESOTA — The Audiology Practice Standards Organization (APSO) is preparing to publish two draft standards for public review. The S3.2 Diagnostic Hearing Evaluation of the Pediatric Patient outlines the tasks performed by audiologists when evaluating hearing in children. The S1.1 General Intake Standards, reviewed in 2024 and recommended for editing, describes the intake process for general audiologists, with an updated version now available for review.
Both standards will be open for public review and comment from Monday, March 24, 2025, through Friday, April 11, 2025.
Any U.S. based audiologist may review and comment on the standards, and all feedback is welcome. APSO is committed to creating evidence-based standards that reflect the core practices of all audiologists and are developed with input from the entire profession.
- APSO standards may be accessed and comments may be submitted at
APSO encourages reviewers to provide evidence-based comments, including rationales for proposed edits. All feedback will be reviewed by subject matter experts and considered in the final draft of the standards.
About APSO
Audiology Practice Standards Organization is a non-profit professional organization dedicated to the purpose of developing and maintaining practice standards in the profession of audiology. Standards are developed by recognized subject matter experts in the subject area of each standard and are subject to review and comment by all practicing audiologists. APSO standards documents represent accepted standards of practice by audiologists, as described in peer-reviewed literature. All APSO standards are freely accessible to audiologists and the public. For more information about APSO or to view any standard, visit
Source: APSO