Hearing News Watch

Sep. 25, 2012

Registration opens for Hearing Innovation Expo 2014

David Kirkwood
MINNEAPOLIS—Response to this year’s Hearing Innovation Expo was so enthusiastic, said Starkey Hearing Technologies, that it will sponsor another one in January 2014. Starkey, the largest U.S.-based hearing aid manufacturer, opened registration last week for Hearing Innovation Expo 2014, which will take place January 15-19, 2014, at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. The event will be limited to 3000 independent hearing
Sep. 19, 2012

New iPhone app is said to improve users’ hearing through targeted sound exposure

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood LOS ANGELES–If you are among those who rushed out this month to get the new iPhone 5, the Apple App Store offers you more than 450,000 different apps to choose from in deciding which ones to download onto your iPhone.  One of the newest—and most unusual—is the Better Hearing app, which, according to The Good Ear
Sep. 17, 2012

New hearing aid designs for those who believe, “If you’ve got ’em, flaunt ’em”

David Kirkwood
MUNICH, GERMANY/BOULDER, CO–Ever since wearable hearing aids were introduced 70 years or so ago, they have been marketed as “discreet,” the “smallest ever,” and, more recently, “invisible in the ear.” That’s because consumers don’t want others to know they’re wearing hearing aids—or so manufacturers and dispensers believe. Of course, that’s not true of everyone with hearing loss. Kids have been
Sep. 12, 2012

Chairman of “Big Six” hearing research consortium discusses its goals

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood LAKE TAHOE, CA—In an unprecedented development in the hearing industry, the world’s six largest manufacturers of hearing aids have joined together to establish the Hearing Industry Research Consortium (IRC). GN ReSound, Oticon, Phonak, Siemens Hearing Solutions, Starkey Hearing Technologies, and Widex formed the consortium to develop and direct a non-competitive, mutually agreed upon research agenda for
Sep. 11, 2012

AAA will celebrate its 25th anniversary in new digs

David Kirkwood
RESTON, VA—The American Academy of Audiology (AAA) will be moving into new and larger offices this fall. After a decade in its present location at 11730 Plaza America Drive in Reston, VA, the organization will open its new headquarters about two miles away at 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 220, also in Reston. This will be the sixth home for
Sep. 05, 2012

United Health extends its direct-to-consumer hearing aid offer to a larger market

David Kirkwood
MINNETONKA, MN– UnitedHealth Group Inc. announced last week that its direct-to-consumer offering of less expensive hearing aids has been extended to 26 million people covered by employer-sponsored and individual health insurance plans through UnitedHealthcare. The original program, unveiled 11 months ago, made the discounted hearing aids available only to people in Medicare-based plans. The hearing aids, which are priced as
Aug. 30, 2012

NBC’s celebrity reporter shines a spotlight on the Starkey Hearing Foundation

David Kirkwood
KAMPALA, UGANDA–The work of the Starkey Hearing Foundation received nationwide attention Monday evening, August 27, when a story about a mission to Uganda was featured on the NBC News. What made NBC pick the topic? Well, it probably didn’t hurt that the special correspondent who reported the story was Chelsea Clinton. And, as it happens, her father, Bill, has been
Aug. 29, 2012

Nation’s newest school of audiology set to open in Oregon with a class of 23

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood HILLSBORO, OR—The first new university audiology program in the United States in more than a decade will open its doors next week at Pacific University. The Pacific School of Audiology, located on its Hillsboro campus, will be the only one in Oregon and one of only three programs on the West Coast that offer the doctor
Aug. 29, 2012

Salus introduces an international online AuD program

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood ELKINS PARK PA—While Pacific University is about to launch an entirely new AuD program in Oregon (see the preceding post on Hearing News Watch), the Osborne College of Audiology at Salus University has resumed its distance-education activities and started an “international AuD-Bridge degree program” that will enable master’s degree audiologists and audiology physicians to obtain a
Aug. 27, 2012

New free eGuide advises consumers on protecting their hearing from noise

David Kirkwood
WASHINGTON, DC–The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) has published a free online eGuide to help address the escalating problem of hearing loss. The new 12-page e-guide, which debuted on August 23, explains to consumers how noise contributes to hearing loss and tinnitus and how to prevent noise-induced hearing loss. Individuals and employers are invited to download copies of Your Guide to Prevention