Best of 2016: Telecoil Technology Stays Relevant

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
December 20, 2016

Juliette Sterkens’ guest post Dispelling the Myth About Old Telecoil Technology (originally published 5/10/2016) was the most read article to appear in Hearing Views in 2016.  She reminded readers that:


“Telecoils and hearing loops may have been around for a long time but in the last decade loop installation techniques have vastly improved.”

Click on the article link to read, or re-read, why telecoils remain an essential ingredient in the hearing aid satisfaction mix.  You’ll find Ms Sterken’s bio at the end of the post.


Happy holidays to Hearing View readers and best wishes for 2017 as we continue this section’s effort to feature venerable opinion pieces from HHTM’s past which retain their relevance, year after year.


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