Pathways Society

Apr. 05, 2017

What about the Insula?

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Frank Musiek, Ph.D.   The insula (meaning island and sometimes called the Island of Reil) is located medial to the temporal lobe. If one were to pull away the temporal lobe in a lateral manner, the insula would be observed behind it. It looks like another cortex and is situated of course, close to the temporal lobe – the
Mar. 01, 2017

Neuroanatomy at the Neuroaudiology Lab at the University of Arizona

Dr. Frank Musiek
by Barrett St. George   {Editor’s note: I have asked Barrett St. George, an Au.D. – Ph.D. student in our lab to write this commentary on the neuroanatomy projects in our lab. Several topics are covered and I thought it would be of interest to our Pathways/HHTM readership. – FM}     A detailed understanding of the central auditory nervous
Feb. 01, 2017

The Clinical Utility of P300 Evoked Responses in Post-Sport-Related Concussion Evaluation

Dr. Frank Musiek
By: Stephanie A. Waryasz, Au.D., CCC-A, F-AAA   Sport-related concussion is a type of injury that tends to produce subtle anatomical abnormalities on the microscopic level within the brain (Gaetz & Weinberg, 2000; Gaetz, Goodman, & Weinberg, 2000; Barth, Freeman, Broshek, & Verney, 2001).  These types of injuries may be asymptomatic and remain unidentified through standard clinical neuropsychological testing, consequently
Jan. 04, 2017

Binaural Improvement in Normal and Defective Ears in a Background of Other Voices: A Historical Article Review from the Archives

Dr. Frank Musiek
by Nicole Denny, Alyssa Everett, and Frank Musiek, The University of Arizona   Binaural Improvement in Normal and Defective Ears in a Background of Other Voices is a classic article from 1971 by J. D. Harris and C. Myers.  Previous research by Harris in 1965 demonstrated that when a subject is asked to answer a set of questions in a
Dec. 07, 2016

Capitalizing the Ability of the Auditory System to Process Stimuli without Active Attention

Dr. Frank Musiek
Vishakha W. Rawool, PhD Professor and Director of Graduate Study in Audiology West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA Email: [email protected]     The auditory system is capable of processing auditory stimuli without active attention as summarized in Rawool (2016a). This article is designed to review a few findings related to auditory processing without active attention and discuss how such
Nov. 02, 2016

Classrooms, noise and auditory processing disorders

Dr. Frank Musiek
Mridula Sharma 1,2 Associate Professor  1Department of Linguistics, Australian Hearing Hub, 16 University Avenue, Macquarie University New South Wales 2109, Australia 2The HEARing CRC, 550 Swanston Street, Audiology, Hearing and Speech Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia       Communication in quiet is a rare occurrence. Noise is ubiquitous, causing interference in classroom, restaurants, malls, and other
Oct. 05, 2016

Rationale for the Use of Sound Field Systems for Children with Central Auditory Nervous System Dysfunction: Part 2

Dr. Frank Musiek
Steve Bornstein, Ph.D., C.C.C./Audiology Associate Professor University of New Hampshire Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders     Abstract Children with Central Auditory Nervous System (CANS) Dysfunction have been observed to potentially have several deficits, such as difficulty with temporal tasks, degraded speech, time-compressed speech, and auditory pattern recognition. However, perhaps the greatest overall deficit is the ability to perceive
Sep. 07, 2016

Rationale for the Use of Sound Field Systems for Children with Central Auditory Nervous System Dysfunction: Part 1

Dr. Frank Musiek
Steve Bornstein, Ph.D., C.C.C./Audiology Associate Professor University of New Hampshire Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders   Abstract   Children with Central Auditory Nervous System (CANS) Dysfunction have been observed to potentially have several deficits, such as difficulty with temporal tasks, degraded speech, time-compressed speech, and auditory pattern recognition. However, perhaps the greatest overall deficit is the ability to perceive
Aug. 03, 2016

Loudness Recruitment: A Commentary

Dr. Frank Musiek
Frank E. Musiek, Ph.D. University of Arizona   Auditory loudness recruitment at one time was a popular phrase among audiologists. In fact, in some of the early books devoted to clinical audiology, chapters about measuring recruitment, were often a focus (see Katz, 1972). In modern-day audiology, however, recruitment is a seldom used word. I would venture a guess that most
Jul. 06, 2016

The Auditory Processing Questionnaire: Differential Screening for APD Overview

Dr. Frank Musiek
Brian O ‘Hara, M.D. Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician in Honolulu Hawaii   Background Listening skills are critically important for young students since a majority of classroom time is spent “learning by listening.”  Weak listening skills are not uncommon and relate to both audiological (hearing acuity, auditory processing) and non-audiological factors (attention control, cognitive –language abilities).  It is thus important to have