Guest contributor Mary Josebelle Alusin takes readers on a personal ear wax journey.
Growing up with my mom for 27 years has made me witness how consistent she is in taking out the earwax from her ears. It actually has become a habit since she cleans them after taking a bath EVERY DAY using cotton swabs. I have been telling her that it’s not advisable to use swabs to remove the earwax as they can push it down into the canal. But she keeps on making excuses by saying that she’s not pushing the swabs too far inside. To avoid any heated argument, I just believe her and then walk away.
For some people, earwax is dirty and gross. I used to believe such notion when my mother, for so many years, used to clean my ears. As I reached around 11 or 12 years old, she stopped not because she wanted to, but because I wanted to do the cleaning myself. Admit it, there is that relieving sensation once you move a cotton swab inside the ear.
But around 2013, I gradually stopped removing the earwax. My former boss told me that it should not always be removed since it naturally cleans the ears and goes out from the organ on its own. At first, it was hard to believe. But after reading a few health articles online and watching documentaries incidentally, I decided I needed to cut the habit that my mother implicitly passed on to me.
The Importance of Earwax
Earwax, as defined by an article published in Harvard Health Publications, is a natural cleaning agent typically found in the ears. As a cleanser, it moves out from the inner ear canal, taking hair, dead skin cells, bacteria, and dirt with it. It also prevents elements from getting inside the ear canals.
This is the primary reason why removing earwax is not an ideal thing to do. Wax may look undesirable, but it contains antifungal and antibacterial properties to keep our ears protected. There is no need to poke it out since it usually becomes flakes and goes out without you noticing it.
Earwax as a Health Indicator
If there isn’t enough earwax in the ears, it’s going to be uncomfortable and itchy. However, having too much of it may cause discomforts, infections, or worse, hearing impairments that may require you to spend money on earwax removal.
But aside from the discomforts caused by excessive earwax, did you know that your sticky, ear goop can warn you about potential health issues of which you may be unaware? Here are some of them as provided by MSN and Reader’s Digest:
Keratitis Obturans
This is a rare ear disease that is characterized by abnormal earwax production which doesn’t naturally go out of the ear canal. It builds up inside the canal and turns into a hard plug that may obstruct your hearing. Brett Comer, MD, an otolaryngologist and assistant professor at the University of Kentucky, said if the condition persists, you will experience other symptoms like fullness discomfort, and pain.
There are cases when doctors can’t pinpoint the cause of an infection. But earwax can be an indicator of disease. These symptoms are the following:
- Color – According to Benjamin Tweel, MD, an otolaryngologist at The Mount Sinai Hospital, a healthy earwax is usually light orange to dark brown in color. But if the color is black, green, white, or yellow, then it may suggest an infection, which needs an immediate checkup.
- Odor – Normally, earwax doesn’t have an odor. But if it smells strange or pungent, that can indicate a health problem.
- Watery – When you sweat, your ears may also be sweaty, but that’s normal. However, if you haven’t done any perspiring activity, and your ears discharge a watery, greenish or yellowish earwax, that can signify an infection or a chronic disease.
- Itchy – There are instances when the ears become itchy. But if the itch persists, especially in the canals, then you may have an infection that requires a medical attention.
Of course, all of us become old. As my mother used to tell me, “Getting old is inevitable. We are all going there.” But what does earwax have to do with aging? Apparently, when your earwax becomes flakier, drier, thicker, or darker in color, then that means you are getting old.
Harvard Health Letter. Got an Ear Full? Here’s Some Advice. Harvard Health Publications, March 18, 2016.
“How Much Does Ear Wax Removal Cost In 2017?” Cost Mentor. Cost Mentor, 21 May 2017.
Heid, Markham. 6 Things Your Earwax Says About Your Health. Prevention, Aug 4, 2016.
Jung, Alyssa. 7 things your earwax could reveal about your health. Reader’s Digest.
Mary Josebelle Alusin has a degree in Mass Communications from the University of the Philippines. She has been a content writer for almost five years already and has published a number of articles throughout her career. She is currently working as a content writer for, a website that provides general information on commodity prices. She lives with her mom who has hearing problems. She is also a single parent to a beautiful 5-year-old daughter who is suspected with ADHD. Despite the challenges she encounters, she remains happy and contented in life.
feature image from The Doctors
Ear wax is natural phenomenon ,collection in the EAC ,but excess of any thing is bad, mean it causes feeling of blockage of ear.
I appreciate your Article regarding Ear wax, expectations to read more.