As a recent inductee into the world of tinnitus, I am pleased to welcome guest writer Glenn Schweitzer whose new book on tinnitus will be of interest to anyone dealing with those unwelcome – and unceasing – bells, whistles, roars and whooshing playing in their head.
By Glenn Schweitzer
For as long as I can remember, silence had a sound.
When I was a kid, I thought everyone could hear the soft, high-pitched tone that I could hear when it was quiet. It wasn’t a bad sound; it was just normal.
Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with an incurable inner ear disorder called Ménière’s disease, and suddenly the quiet tone that never bothered me became the sound of sirens blasting in my ears.
When you live with tinnitus, the medical term for ringing in the ears, the sound never stops and can turn your life into a living nightmare.
Today, I’m happy to report that my tinnitus doesn’t bother me at all. Several years back, I stumbled onto a simple exercise that radically altered the way I react to the sound.
And it changed everything.
A Massive Problem
Despite a lack of public awareness, tinnitus is actually an extremely prevalent health problem. By most estimates, it affects 10-15% of the general population. That’s nearly 50 million people in the US alone and close to 600 million sufferers worldwide. It’s also the leading cause of disability among veterans, outranking even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Many people do learn to live with it, and often find that it bothers them less and less over time. But for the people who are tortured by tinnitus, they’re lucky if they even learn about treatment options. Far too many people are told they just have to “live with it” and that’s unacceptable to me, because there is hope for everyone.
I’ve come to believe that when you have tinnitus, the only question that really matters is: “Does it bother you?”
Because if it does, you can do something about it. It’s the one thing that you actually have the power to change.
The human brain is incredibly good at filtering out meaningless background noise from our conscious awareness through a mental process called habituation. It’s how we’re able to carry on conversations in crowded rooms.
Habituation is also the answer to tinnitus. But there’s a problem. It’s simply impossible to tune out a sound that implies a threat or carries a negative association of any kind, both of which apply to tinnitus.
We use sound to monitor our environment for threats, and you never want to miss the sound of something dangerous. Unfortunately, our brains can’t tell the difference between a perceived threat like tinnitus and real danger, so our emotional reaction is the same. We end up in a perpetual low-level state of fight-or-flight, a stress response that doesn’t end because the ringing never stops. The result is a vicious cycle of frustration, pain, and emotional turmoil.
But the one thing that we actually can change is the very thing that prevents us from habituating and finding relief: our emotional response.
Accidental Solution
I admit I say this all in hindsight. I didn’t habituate intentionally, not at first. I stumbled on to it completely by accident as I struggled to meditate.
Meditation helped me to cope with Ménière’s disease, but as my tinnitus grew worse, my meditation practice started to suffer. It became more and more difficult to focus on my breath with the shrieking in my ears.
But one evening, lying in bed, unsuccessfully trying to ignore the noise and meditate, I had an idea. If meditation involved focusing my attention onto a single point of awareness, like my breathing, what would happen if I focused on my tinnitus instead?
It felt like a bad idea but I gave it a shot.
The first breakthrough happened almost immediately.
When you meditate, your mind tends to wander. It happens to everyone, especially people new to meditation, but it doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong. Catching yourself when your mind wanders and bringing your focus back, starting over, is the actual exercise.
But this time, when my mind wandered, it wandered away from the sound. For that brief moment, my tinnitus hadn’t bothered me at all. It was profound.
As I continued to meditate, focusing on the sound, I started to feel very relaxed. When I stopped fighting to ignore my tinnitus, I was suddenly able to meditate much more deeply.
And most surprising of all, when I finished, my tinnitus seemed quieter, although in reality it just wasn’t bothering me as much. I couldn’t believe it.
I didn’t understand it at the time, but my brain was starting to associate the deep relaxation of meditation with the sound of my tinnitus and it was my first real taste of relief.
Over the following weeks, I continued to practice the technique and I was able to fully habituate.
After suffering for so long, I felt like I had discovered some kind of weird super power. I was doing so much better; my stress levels dropped and my tinnitus stopped bothering me entirely.
There may not be a cure for tinnitus, but there is hope for today if we change our reaction to the sound and habituate.
It may not go away, or even become quieter, but we can get to a place where it stops bothering us. At the end of the day, that’s just as good. Because when it stops bothering us, we stop reacting and start to tune it out naturally.
We can improve our quality of life and that’s what matters most.
Glenn Schweitzer is passionate about helping others who suffer from tinnitus and vestibular disorders and volunteers as an Ambassador Board Member for the Vestibular Disorders Association (VEDA). In addition to his regular blogs on tinnitus and Meniere’s, he recently published the book Rewiring Tinnitus
which provides techniques, strategies and meditations to help those struggling with tinnitus.
I only notice it when I notice it. Does that make sense? Going to give habituation a try though.
Hi Sue, that makes perfect sense. And it sounds as though you’ve partially habituated naturally. Does it bother you when you notice it? If it does, than you can definitely benefit from the type of meditation I described in the post. Because when you change the way you react to the sound emotionally, physically, and psychologically, it stops bother you, even when you notice it. I wish you the best of luck and feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions: [email protected]
Thanks for your article and sharing this information. I am going to try this meditation technique. I hope it helps.
Glenn’s right — just stop fighting it. We let Tinnitus dominate our lives, reducing us to constant stress and helplessness. I just relax and ignore it — after all I can’t do anything about it. I’ve had it three times. It came with sudden nerve deafness twice, and the third time I don’t remember what brought it back. It would be quiet as long as no sound was coming in, but any sound, even as simple as crushing a potato chip bag, would start it anew. If ignoring it was really habituation, then Glenn may have nicely described my ignoring Tinnitus as a very good technique, in a way similar to his meditation. I may have had quite mild and temporary cases of Tinnitus, but I feel we’re on to something — if we’re lucky, it may just go away by itself if we refuse to let it bother us. It will fade away in severity over time until it just disappears. I have been completely free of it for several years. Next time I get it, I’ll watch what I’m doing, and give everyone a full report on my experience. Has anyone had similar results?
There is a simple way to reduce the awareness of ringing tinnitus.
Start thinking of other things ! Once the neurons in the hippocampus are involved in other thinking processes, the tinnitus reduces and “disappears”, until the next time around. To load the hippocampus with counteractive sounds will be to increase mental stress further and falsely give the impression that everything is OK, when it isn’t !
Ringing that steadily increases is the mind’s way of telling that it needs help (aneurysms ) in the ventral subsections of the midbrain.
The best way to reduce tinnitus is to meditate
Deep Breathing helps to reduce the level of stess.
Known as habitation
Glenn is right, meditation is the key to living with Tinnitus. Last spring (2016) I took an on-line course called Mindfulness Based Tinnitus Stress Reduction by Dr. Jennifer Gans. MBTSR is an application of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. I had been a tinnitus sufferer for many years (45+ years as a drummer) and it is no exaggeration to say the MBTSR course changed (saved?) my life.
Thanks Glenn. I have had tinnitus for over 8 years. I also meditate on the ringing and find that I learn a lot from meditation. It also can make me fall asleep. I wrote about this on my site . I believe there is a cure and I am relentless in my pursuit to cure myself. Let me share my meditation experience.
There is a permanent cure to Tinnitus, I started having tinnitus at the age
of 54, and I have taking different medication but no solution, my tinnitus
was always very much disturbing in the afternoon majorly sunset, and I
don’t get good sleep at family were also very much worried about
my condition until I came in contact with a doctor (Dr Kenneth) who then
sent me his medication which I used for one month and I was completely
cure. am living happily and comfortably with my children in a good health I
give all thanks to God for using This doctor Dr Kenneth to solve my
tinnitus problem.
Any one with such Issues can contact this doctor on *[email protected]