EUHA 2024: New Networking Hub and Start-Up Opportunities Highlight International Congress

June 10, 2024

Frankfurt a.M./Mainz – The 68th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians and the Industry Exhibition is set to take place in Hanover from October 16 to 18, 2024. This year’s event will feature a notable addition: a central meeting and networking area called the “EUHA-Live Area,” located within the Industry Exhibition. Denmark will be the partner country for this year’s congress.

The EUHA 2024 will bring together the largest international assembly of professionals in the hearing aid acoustics and hearing systems industry. The event includes a specialist conference with international lecturers and a trade fair featuring exhibitors from around the globe. The newly introduced EUHA-Live Area aims to enhance the connection between the Congress and the Industry Exhibition by providing a central stage and meeting space.

Attendees will have access to information on various topics, including partner country activities, training and young talent, hearing aid acoustics, and start-up innovations through a headphone system.

For the first time, start-ups will have the opportunity to present their ideas at the EUHA event. Interested start-ups are invited to apply by 30 June 2024, by sending a description of their business idea to Tobias Bartels, the EUHA’s managing director, at [email protected]. The opening ceremony for the Congress and Exhibition will be held on Wednesday, 16 October 2024, at 9:15 a.m.

Industry Exhibition

More than 120 companies have already registered for the Industry Exhibition in Hall 6, marking a record number of new exhibitors showcasing innovative products and services. Exhibitors can still book a stand and additional space until 19 June 2024.

Future Friday

A highlight of the event will be “Future Friday” on 18 October, featuring four keynotes on pivotal topics. Theresa Schleicher, an economic thought leader and retail expert, will discuss the future of retail and consumers. Prof. Dr. David Matusiewicz, a digital health expert, will provide insights into digital transformation in healthcare. These presentations promise to be essential for attendees interested in the future directions of the industry.

For more information on the Industry Exhibition, visit

Additional details about the program and ticket purchasing will be available soon at


Source: EUHA

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