Hearing Health & Technology Matters

Nick Fitzgerald has served as HHTM’s Chief Marketing Officer for the past 3 years. He is the President and Owner of AuDSEO, a full service digital marketing agency. With over 15 years of digital marketing experience, Nick is a highly data-driven marketer, with expertise in search engine optimization, digital analytics and forensics, social media, digital advertising, and web development. He has been involved in the construction and optimization of nearly 1,000 web presences, including some of the largest Fortune 500 companies.
Dec. 05, 2012

When faced with “compassion fatigue,” non-profit fundraisers may need new strategies

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By David H. Kirkwood This is the time of year when our mailboxes overflow with urgent pleas for donations from every good cause we’ve ever contributed to. And, for every non-profit organization that we’ve helped in the past, we probably hear from half a dozen other charitable groups that have identified us as good candidates to send money for their
Featured image for “More on Costco and Audiologists:  Apples to Apples?”
Dec. 04, 2012

More on Costco and Audiologists: Apples to Apples?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hearing Economics went out on a testimonial limb two weeks ago by describing one Audiologist’s positive interactions with a local Costco dispensing operation.  The Audiologist was me and I braced myself for an onslaught of insults and vituperation from colleagues.  Remarkably, that has not happened (yet) and I’ve canceled my reservation for the witness protection program.  Readers’ comments were measured and
Dec. 04, 2012

Misophonia: It’s the Soft Sounds that Get You

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
What is Misophonia?  Basically, it is being extremely sensitive to background sounds that most of the population can ignore.  These individuals are unable to block out the offending stimulus (sound), which acts as a “trigger” to an acute negative emotional response by the person due to this sound.   One site describes a type of Mysophonia as  4S (Selective Sound Sensitivity),
Featured image for “More Little Cost Cutting Ideas:  Lose the Front Desk”
Nov. 27, 2012

More Little Cost Cutting Ideas: Lose the Front Desk

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Innovation also means finding  ways to adapt.  Editor’s Caveat:  This is the 3rd in a series that reveals cost cutting measures in tiny, independent practices under duress.  In my case,  our 1.5-person, part-time practice is in a locale hit hard by rapid changes in hearing healthcare.  We think about reducing marginal costs all the time and the more we think, the
Nov. 21, 2012

Fitting methods: “Islands in the setting sun”?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Ted Venema In the beginning was Functional Gain. Real-Ear measures did not exist. All hearing aids were Linear. Sam Lybarger, whose inventions revolutionized hearing care in the 20th century, stood a Texas yard from the listener who wore the hearing aid, spoke in a normal conversational voice, and asked what sounded comfortably loud. He found the listener wanted gain
Featured image for “In Defense of Costco”
Nov. 20, 2012

In Defense of Costco

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Am I suggesting that everyone go work for Costco? No, but I think those who do probably deserve more respect than they get.  David Kirkwood The hearing impaired should be offered the widest possible selection of instrumentation and dispensing models.  One size does not fit everyone.   K. Ray Katz  Costco has rapidly emerged as the second largest US retailer of
Nov. 20, 2012


Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Earlier in the year I wrote a blog on being grateful.  I had started an experiment in my offices asking my employees to write something to be grateful for on a board everyday and leave them in one of the staff rooms of each office.  My experiment seems to be working and I am going to continue it from here
Nov. 14, 2012

The “Era of Low-Hanging Fruit” is over

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Brian Taylor Not long ago it was possible for a hearing aid practice to thrive with a nominal investment in marketing. Through the late 1990s and well into the 2000s a practice could run a captivating promotional advertisement in the local newspaper or offer a “digital” consumer seminar with a technical expert and capture a significant amount of business
Nov. 13, 2012

Auditory Processing Disorder After a Concussion: Mother’s Worry About EVERYTHING

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
I have two sons, one more interested in sports than the other.  They are ages 9 and 11, and during these younger years, we tried to expose them to many things.  I have to admit, though, I am not one to have them get involved in more than one or two extracurricular activities outside of school. One reason may be
Featured image for “Audiologists Gone Wild. A PG13 Post.”
Nov. 13, 2012

Audiologists Gone Wild. A PG13 Post.

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Shhhh.  This is a test.  Last week’s post described high-level healthcare fraud by its defining characteristics and discussed Audiologists’ healthcare fraud exposure at the end.  Readership was not high compared to the Zombie post that preceded it. Two hypotheses are put forth to explain observed differences in Audiologists’ reading preferences: H1:   Audiologists are way too into zombies for their own