Hearing Health & Technology Matters

Nick Fitzgerald has served as HHTM’s Chief Marketing Officer for the past 3 years. He is the President and Owner of AuDSEO, a full service digital marketing agency. With over 15 years of digital marketing experience, Nick is a highly data-driven marketer, with expertise in search engine optimization, digital analytics and forensics, social media, digital advertising, and web development. He has been involved in the construction and optimization of nearly 1,000 web presences, including some of the largest Fortune 500 companies.
Oct. 17, 2012

In a debate over audiology’s future, Metz warns against letting the profit-takers take over

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Two weeks ago, Hearing Views published a post by Brian Taylor, AuD, entitled “Let’s make hearing aid dispensing less like Cuba and more like Singapore.” In it, Brian suggested some ideas for advancing and modernizing the profession of audiology, specifically the hearing aid aspect of the profession. When he read his friend and fellow audiologist’s Hearing View, Michael J. Metz,
Oct. 16, 2012

High Lead Levels Connected with Hearing Loss

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Lead poisoning is horrible for many health reasons. It can cause encephalopathy, other brain problems, peripheral nerve problems, delayed neurodevelopment, reduced growth rate in children, bone loss in adults, change in behavior, vision problems, motor deficits, digestive system problems, and kidney problems. It can also lead to death. Heightened lead levels also affect the hearing of young ;people and the not
Oct. 16, 2012

Best of Hearing Economics: Time for Ruthless Publishers to Walk the Plank

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
[This post was originally published at Hearing Economics on January 24, 2012 ] Who are the most ruthless capitalists in the Western world?”  Bankers? Oil companies?  Health insurers?  None of the above; they are actually academic publishers… their monopolistic practices make Walmart look like a corner shop and Rupert Murdoch a socialist.  {{1}}[[1]] George Monbiot writing in The Guardian, quoted in The Robber
Oct. 10, 2012

“Getting looped” was a great investment and a priceless gift to our theater’s patrons

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
In the past year or two, there has been a surge of interest in making entertainment venues more accessible to people with hearing loss. Around the country, theaters, meeting places, concert halls, and movie houses have been installing systems that enable people who wear hearing aids to enjoy plays, musical performance, lectures, and movies more than they ever could before.
Featured image for “Parlez plus fort, Doc, je suis malentendante”
Oct. 09, 2012

Parlez plus fort, Doc, je suis malentendante

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Editor’s Note: We’re grateful to Vibes magazine for this translation of “Speak Up, Doc, I’m Hard of Hearing“, which appeared in the Better Hearing  Consumer on November 1, 2011.  Vibes is the official publication of the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS), which serves hard of hearing, culturally Deaf, oral deaf, and deafened people, their families and hearing healthcare professionals. C’est un fait, les personnes
Oct. 09, 2012

The Start of a Tinnitus Support Group

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Editor’s Note:  One of the things I love about Tucson is even though it is close to a million people in the metro area, it still feels small town in some ways.  Being a Wyoming girl I am nostalgic for the small town feel.  Most of the Audiologists and Hearing Aid Dispensers are kind to each other and like to
Featured image for “To Regulate or Not To Regulate, That is the Question”
Oct. 09, 2012

To Regulate or Not To Regulate, That is the Question

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
The last post on Government regulation introduced gluts and shortages, both undesirable, inefficient and unsustainable–theoretically– in a free market. “Theoretically” because the free market of classical economics is modeled on a world of “complete information, interchangeable goods and services, and lack of market power” — a world that exists only in theory.  Laissez-faire{{1}}[[1]]tr:  Leave [us] alone.[[1]]  gets closer to free market reality
Oct. 03, 2012

Let’s make hearing aid dispensing less like Cuba and more like Singapore

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Brian Taylor The year 1959 was memorable for several reasons. After a bitter, protracted fight, Fidel Castro and his band of revolutionaries overthrew the corrupt regime of Fulgencio Batista. Nineteen-fifty-nine was also the year that the nation of Singapore was granted full internal self-government by the British. About that same time, audiologists began conducting many of the assessment procedures
Oct. 02, 2012

Best of Hearing Health: Keeping Up With The Schedule

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
I wrote previously about combining the best of the retail and medical scheduling models to streamline our practices, yet still accommodate emergency appointments.  To help solve this problem, our appointment times tend to be longer than other practices and we know those specific patients who need more time.  With a simple email or phone call ahead, we are usually able
Oct. 02, 2012

Drink to Your Health and Longevity if Not Your Hearing: International Coffee Day Enters its 2nd Week

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
As promised last week, today’s post concludes our two-week celebration of International Coffee Week by providing an updated table linking coffee/caffeine intake to health effects.  The original table appeared in April and you can see that it’s grown quite a bit in only four months.  The fly in the ointment continues to be a glaring lack of evidence and information