Robert M. Traynor, Ed.D., is a hearing industry consultant, trainer, professor, conference speaker, practice manager and author. He is a founding member of HHTM and had previously written a regular weekly column for the site for many years. He has decades of experience teaching courses and training clinicians within the field of audiology with specific emphasis in hearing and tinnitus rehabilitation. He serves as Adjunct Faculty in Audiology at the University of Florida, University of Northern Colorado, University of Colorado and The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
Oct. 25, 2012

Stem Cell Research in Hearing – Old Age Hearing Loss – Part III

Robert Traynor
Hearing International this week focuses on Old Age Hearing Loss (Presbycusis) and the some of the international stem cell research into this hearing problem that affects about 10% of the world population. Previously,  Hearing International (posted April, 2011) discussed the incidence of hearing  impairment in the world, where almost 600 million have mild or worse hearing impairment and 250 million have moderate
Oct. 16, 2012

Stem Cell Research in Hearing – Auditory Neuropathy – Part II

Robert Traynor
As presented last week at Hearing International, the politics of stem cell research is volatile in the United States. Thus, most of the research is being conducted in countries where this is less political. Ever since human embryonic stem cells were first cultivated by Dr. James Thompson at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1998, they have been at the center
Oct. 09, 2012

Stem Cell Research in Hearing – The Politics Part I

Robert Traynor
In the USA, stem cell research of any kind is quite political, particularly in the United States. This week’s Hearing International looks at the politics and direction of stem cell research and next week will consider the specific research in the area of hearing.  Questions for audiologists worldwide are:  Can sensorineural hearing loss be cured with stem cells?  Will this put audiologists
Oct. 02, 2012

The Results of Audiology Outreach to the Northern Communities – Part III

Robert Traynor
This week’s post is the last in a series about bringing audiology to the Northern Communities in Canada.  This program has had a real impact on those who receive its services. Hearing International congratulates Jack and his staff, and Western University, London, Ontario for a job well done bringing audiology to a community in need! Part III:  The Results of Audiology
Sep. 25, 2012

The Logistics of Audiology Outreach to the Northern Communities – Part II

Robert Traynor
Part II:  The Logistics of Providing Audiology Outreach in Northern Communities by Jack Scott, Ph.D.  The only road into Attawapiskat, Canada, is available during the winter months and, even then, it is a precarious drive over a frozen river.   At certain times of the year the ice may be thick enough to support standard vehicles, and when it is especially
Sep. 18, 2012

The Need for Audiology Outreach in Northern Communities – Part I

Robert Traynor
The Need for Audiology Outreach in Northern Communities by Jack Scott, Ph.D. Dr. Jack Scott, guest author of this week’s post on Hearing International, is an Assistant Professor/Clinical Supervisor at Western University,London, Ontario, Canada.  Jack is discussing a program where services are brought to a remote part of Canada………   From the sky, the reserve of Attawapiskat looks like a postage stamp crisscrossed
Sep. 12, 2012

Auricular Reconstruction – A Possible New Method?

Robert Traynor
As much as 5% of the population is born with some kind of ear malformation.  Most of these malformations are minor, but others such as Microtia usually involve the middle ear as well and can be much more than mere malformation of the auricle.  Paul Stanley of KISS grew up with a class 3 Microtia and, to keep the bullies away,
Sep. 05, 2012

Upcoming International Events

Robert Traynor
No excerpt
Aug. 28, 2012

The Genius of Eric Sykes – An International Comedian

Robert Traynor
Last month the world lost a major contributor to radio and television; also a film writer, actor and director whose career spanned 60 years.  Eric Sykes. 89. died after a short illness. Sykes was a world renowned comedian but best known in Britain for his comedy acts and a BBC show, “Sykes” during the 1970s.  His skills put him in the middle
Aug. 22, 2012

Seeing With Your Ears – Echolocation Part II

Robert Traynor
Last week we introduced Echolocation and this week we will focus on how this procedure has been used with visually impaired humans.   Since bats, dolphins and others are able to use echolocation, it is possible to see with your ears.  Although most audiologists understand the physics of sound and its echoing possibilities, it is still foreign to consider that humans could actually navigate using echolocation. Supa et al