Gael Hannan is an author, speaker and advocate on hearing loss issues. In addition to her weekly blog at the Better Hearing Consumer, which has a passionate international following, Gael has written two acclaimed books, “The Way I Hear It: A Life with Hearing Loss”and “Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss”, written with Shari Eberts. She is regularly invited to present her uniquely humorous and insightful work to appreciative audiences around the world. Gael has received many awards for her work that advocates for individuals to become more knowledgeable and successful at dealing with their hearing loss and a more inclusive society for them to live in.
Featured image for “HoHs Hit The Skies Again!”
Sep. 28, 2021

HoHs Hit The Skies Again!

Gael Hannan
People with hearing loss are flying high once more, although some of us with mixed emotions. Wonderful as it is to finally leave home (in some areas), the stresses of traveling haven’t changed. You don’t want to be late, the airport is cavernous with people going in all directions and you’re not sure where to go, you can’t find your
Featured image for “Amazing Things You May Not Know About ‘Hearing People’”
Sep. 21, 2021

Amazing Things You May Not Know About ‘Hearing People’

Gael Hannan
In these insane times, I’ve noticed an alarming tendency to chunk people into a group, and then assume that they all do and believe the same thing. We blame everyone for every unnerving act that any random person in that group might do. I’m not referring to politics or vaccine mandates or religion. I’m talking about the dividing line between
Featured image for “Hearing Loss is Easy…?”
Sep. 15, 2021

Hearing Loss is Easy…?

Gael Hannan
It’s EASY to convince ourselves that we’re doing ‘fine’ with our hearing loss: That we’re catching most of what’s said, Well, at least the important stuff – the rest’s not really worth listening to And no, we don’t intend to do anything about it Like getting a hearing aid or cochlear implant – Those are for other people, who have real problems.
Featured image for “Hearing Loss – Why Me?”
Sep. 06, 2021

Hearing Loss – Why Me?

Gael Hannan
We struggle to hear. We put our head in our hands as tinnitus rages and hyperacusis makes unbearable sounds inside our skull. Why me? We ask this silently to others but loudly to ourselves. Why does this have to happen to me? Why can’t I have an issue that medication or therapy can fix, or at least eliminate for a
Featured image for “Are You a (Hearing Loss) Loser?”
Sep. 01, 2021

Are You a (Hearing Loss) Loser?

Gael Hannan
I lose things. It’s a problem. Since I wrote this original article almost 10 years ago, new hearing aids and a cochlear implant have gone by, and it’s time to revisit the subject. Like I said, I lose things. Earrings and gloves are favorite things to lose – not the set, which would be better, but one of each. As
Featured image for “Get Lost, Tinnitus!”
Aug. 24, 2021

Get Lost, Tinnitus!

Gael Hannan
If you find it impossible to run and hide from the unrelenting noise and stress of your tinnitus, here’s something that may help. Tell it to buzz off! Tell your tinnitus you’ve got better things to listen to. Other things that deserve more attention. Easier said than done? Well, yes, if we don’t work at it. This week, for me,
Featured image for “Feel Caught Between Deaf and Hearing Worlds?”
Aug. 17, 2021

Feel Caught Between Deaf and Hearing Worlds?

Gael Hannan
I am deaf but not Deaf. I can hear but I’m not Hearing (term for someone who does not have hearing loss, which I have not capitalized for this article). So, what am I? Last night, we watched CODA (child of Deaf adults), the new movie about a family that has both Deaf and hearing family members. Mom, Dad, and
Featured image for “Self-Care and Hearing Loss: The Amazing Connection”
Aug. 11, 2021

Self-Care and Hearing Loss: The Amazing Connection

Gael Hannan
Have you been thinking about your self-care recently? You know the term – it means, well, it’s when you…OK, so what does it mean? Formal description: The practice of taking action to preserve or improve protect one’s own health and wellbeing, particularly during periods of stress. Casual: Anything that you intentionally do to take care of your mental and physical
Featured image for “The “I Love Captions” Club is Growing!”
Jul. 21, 2021

The “I Love Captions” Club is Growing!

Gael Hannan
What a difference captioning – all kinds of captioning – make when the spoken word just doesn’t make sense. I can’t remember when I first experienced the joyful liberation of closed captioning, but when I did, it meant the end to struggling to understand onscreen dialogue. The late 90s, maybe? I can’t even remember what we had to do to
Featured image for “Those Deaf Moments (Before Hearing Technology Goes On)”
Jul. 14, 2021

Those Deaf Moments (Before Hearing Technology Goes On)

Gael Hannan
When someone describes their hearing level using standard phrases, the rest of us can only get an idea of how well (or not) they actually hear. “I use a hearing aid.” OK, I’m guessing you hear really well? “I’m hard of hearing.” Not so good, hey? “I have hearing loss.” Really, what does that mean? “I’m deaf.” OK. Wait, what? How are you even hearing