Featured image for “Helmet Offers Cyclists Audio Streaming and Environmental Awareness, Using Bone Conduction”
Feb. 28, 2017

Helmet Offers Cyclists Audio Streaming and Environmental Awareness, Using Bone Conduction

For cyclists that ride on city streets, having constant environmental awareness while riding in traffic is essential for safety. Wearing earbuds to listen to music or take phone calls can be a safety hazard, due to the inability to potentially hear what is happening in the environment. Coros, a company based in the Seattle area, has developed an innovative new
Featured image for “Signia Primax Hearing Aids Now Offering Notch Therapy Feature for Tinnitus”
Feb. 21, 2017

Signia Primax Hearing Aids Now Offering Notch Therapy Feature for Tinnitus

Earlier this month, Signia (formerly Siemens) announced their latest hearing aid innovation: Notch Therapy. According to the company, they are the first in the hearing aid industry to use the novel approach to combat tonal tinnitus, the most common form of tinnitus. Tonal tinnitus, defined by the American Tinnitus Association, is the “perception of near-continuous sound (or overlapping sounds) with
Featured image for “Nuheara IQbuds, After CES Launch, Will be Soon be Available to Public”
Feb. 15, 2017

Nuheara IQbuds, After CES Launch, Will be Soon be Available to Public

Australian audio-wearable maker, Nuheara, launched their flagship IQbuds™ hearable at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The production of the IQbuds are the result of a highly successful 2016 Indiegogo funding campaign, which saw the company vastly exceed its fundraising goal. Initial backers of the device have already received them, but the company says their new
Featured image for “Why “Good Audiology” is More Important than Ever, Part 2”
Feb. 06, 2017

Why “Good Audiology” is More Important than Ever, Part 2

Editor’s Note: For our regular readers, you will notice that our Hearing Health section has now become Hearing & Hearing Aid Technology. We have decided to expand this section to focus on technology and the latest innovations in the hearing industry. It is our hope that you visit here often to keep up to date with the latest developments. Today,
Featured image for “Samsung Rumored to Release New Wireless Earphones with Galaxy S8”
Dec. 30, 2016

Samsung Rumored to Release New Wireless Earphones with Galaxy S8

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA – Samsung, the world’s largest consumer electronics manufacturer, may be poised to follow in the footsteps of Apple when it launches its next smartphone. According to a report from SamMobile, the company might be releasing new wireless in-ear headphones when it launches the Galaxy S8 smartphone, likely in the spring of 2017. With company profits at their
Featured image for “Researchers Believed to Have Identified Mysterious Sound Recorded Near Mariana Trench”
Dec. 27, 2016

Researchers Believed to Have Identified Mysterious Sound Recorded Near Mariana Trench

CORVALLIS, OREGON — Researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) believe they have identified an unknown sound emanating from deep in the ocean near the Mariana Trench, the deepest known part of the world’s oceans. The previously unidentified sound, which has been dubbed the “Western Pacific Biotwang” by scientists at OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center, typically lasts between 2.5 and 3.5
Featured image for “Best of 2016: Costco Quietly Launches Kirkland Hearing Aids — at Even Lower Price”
Dec. 20, 2016

Best of 2016: Costco Quietly Launches Kirkland Hearing Aids — at Even Lower Price

In 2014, the top post at Hearing News Watch was on news that Phonak would begin distributing hearing aids at Costco. Since that article published in March of 2014, it has gone on to be one of the most viewed posts at HHTM of all time. So perhaps it isn’t surprising, two years later, that another Costco story has gone
Featured image for “ON Semiconductor Wireless Hearing Aid Processor Nabs CES 2017 Honor”
Dec. 16, 2016

ON Semiconductor Wireless Hearing Aid Processor Nabs CES 2017 Honor

PHOENIX, ARIZONA — ON Semiconductor, a leading supplier of semiconductor-based solutions, announced this week that the company’s Ezairo 7150 SL audio processor was chosen by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) as a 2017 Consumer Electronic Show (CES) Innovation Award honoree. According to the company, the Ezairo 7150 SL is an open-programmable digital signal processing (DSP)-based hybrid, which enables wireless connectivity in hearing aids
Featured image for “Study Finds Auditory Deficit in People with Schizophrenia Linked to Brain Receptor”
Dec. 14, 2016

Study Finds Auditory Deficit in People with Schizophrenia Linked to Brain Receptor

NEW YORK, NEW YORK — The inability to hear subtle changes in pitch, a common problem for people with schizophrenia, is due to dysfunctional N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) brain receptors, according to a study by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center. The study also found that this particular hearing issue can be improved by combining auditory training exercises with a drug that
Featured image for “ADA Supports OTC Hearing Aid Bill; AAA Applauds FDA Decision to Eliminate Waiver”
Dec. 09, 2016

ADA Supports OTC Hearing Aid Bill; AAA Applauds FDA Decision to Eliminate Waiver

In a move that perhaps caught some in the audiology community by surprise, the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) announced its support of S.9, the Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2016. In a statement released by ADA, it said that the organization “commends Senators Warren and Grassley for their foresight in introducing and advancing this legislation, which if enacted,