Better Hearing Consumer

Mar. 06, 2012

Recipes For A Good Cook With Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
I’m a reasonably good cook, nothing fussy or time-consuming, but I do make a wicked vinaigrette.   While browsing the internet for recipes, I found these fundamentals of what makes a good cook – not a world-class chef, just a good cook: 1. Creativity combined with ability to follow a recipe 2. Sharp knives 3. Fresh ingredients But, for the hard of
Feb. 28, 2012

The (Hard of Hearing) Actor’s Nightmare

Gael Hannan
You’re standing on a stage in front of hundreds of people. You’re about to start your speech when you think, “I don’t know the lines. Or the play. Hey, I’m not even an actor!” The actor’s nightmare – every actor has a personal version. A friend of mine dreams of arriving at the theatre to find they’re doing Act III
Feb. 21, 2012

Dining at the HoH Grill: Eat Well, Hear Well!

Gael Hannan
People with hearing loss love to eat – because we are human, after all. But when we eat out, we enter one of our most challenging communication environments – The Restaurant. Whether it’s a hole-in-the-wall diner or a fancy establishment, most restaurants offer, along with the appetizer, main course and dessert, a fine selection of communication barriers: noise, bad lighting,
Feb. 13, 2012

Laughing At Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
This will be a short blog. They say that to live successfully with hearing loss, you must keep your sense of humor. That makes sense; being able to see the funny side of things is an admirable quality. But what if the laugh-at-yourself gene didn’t make it into your DNA strand ? Hearing loss is a goldmine of laughs, especially
Feb. 06, 2012

Gratitude for Yesterday’s People with Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
There’s never been a better time to have hearing loss. The stigma of hearing loss is disappearing.  Technology has given us an unprecedented, and undreamed, level of access that will only continue to improve. Cochlear implants have transformed lives and hearing aids are efficient things of beauty. Sure, we have a long way to go in all of these areas, but
Jan. 31, 2012

Pillow Talk for People with Hearing Loss

Gael Hannan
When the lights go out, so does the conversation. (I’ll say right now that this blog does NOT refer to any intimate practices beyond speaking, whispering or the translation of a verbal message. If you’re looking for anything more titillating, you’re on the wrong site.) A fundamental truism for people with hearing loss: the better the lighting and the lower
Jan. 24, 2012

Reaching Out to a HOH: The Power of Connecting with Others

Gael Hannan
Even though I’m still relatively young, I like looking back at  significant events in my life. Some are pretty obvious – turning 18, leaving home, getting my first hearing aid, first wonderful job, meeting husband, marrying husband, birth of child at age 41. Some events only gain significance with hindsight, “Wow, THAT sure changed my life!” I came upon an unexpected
Jan. 17, 2012

Hearing on Snowshoes: A Gift of Shared Sounds

Gael Hannan
It’s mid-morning in northern Ontario, 25 below zero on the new scale, 14 below on the old. Do I want to go outside and snowshoe, or stay in and drink good coffee? In the end, I’m given no choice on this getaway, women-friends, wilderness weekend. We’re going out, girl. Get ready. Two layers of leggings, socks, boots, parka, earmuffs, scarf
Jan. 09, 2012

Reading a Pig’s Lips: The Joys of Movie Captioning

Gael Hannan
We had our drinks and our popcorn; we were at the “mooo-vies” and we were excited!  My son, 3 1/2, pumped about seeing the animated version of Tarzan, was jumping around like a chimpanzee. But with Tarzan’s first words, I thumped myself on the head. What was I thinking? That perhaps my hearing had miraculously returned so that I could
Jan. 03, 2012

Can The Web Replace My Audiologist?

Gael Hannan
It was a simple email question. What did I think about direct-to-consumer online hearing testing and hearing aid sales? My fingers hovered over the keyboard to reply, but then I lowered my hands. What did I really think about this? Not too long ago I would have answered, without hesitation, that a web service could not meet the needs of