Hearing Economics

Featured image for “Ear device patents for July 2023”
Sep. 07, 2023

Ear device patents for July 2023

Holly Hosford-Dunn
The aptly named MDIdeaFactory Inc has come up with an uncomfortable new application for in-ear devices, melding autonomic response with classic Skinnerian psychology to shape wearers’ behaviors. Negative reinforcement isn’t a new idea but adopting ear calorics for that purpose may explain the MDIdea part of the company’s name. Their patent #11707380, Ear apparatus and methods of use, describes a
Featured image for “Ear device patents for June 2023”
Aug. 06, 2023

Ear device patents for June 2023

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Big Tech has been in the hearing device sector for awhile now. Perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised to see Intel-the-chip-maker pop up as Intel-the-hearing-device-devisor in June with two patents: 11688515 Mobile device based techniques for detection and prevention of hearing loss 11684516 Hearing protection and communication apparatus using vibration sensors But some of us were surprised and wanted to
Featured image for “Ear device patents for May 2023”
Jul. 13, 2023

Ear device patents for May 2023

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Fun and Useful Things to Do with Your Earbuds Bragi’s patent #11651238 for an Earpiece advisor offers new and improved ways to provide opportunities for contextual or potentially sponsored content in a manner helpful to users and viewed favorably by users. In case you weren’t aware that you needed such earbud help, Bragi notes that too much advertising can be
Featured image for “Ear device patents for April 2023”
Jun. 08, 2023

Ear device patents for April 2023

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Toss our baby out with the bath water…. Iyo Inc, a “secret moonshot startup founded by ex-Google leaders,” doesn’t think much of hearing aids. Their patent #11632648, for an Ear-mountable listening device having a ring-shaped microphone array for beamforming, iterates the many failings of hearing aids as follows (heavily paraphrased): Hearing aids … often fail to accurately reproduce environmental cues
Featured image for “Ear device patents for March 2023”
May. 15, 2023

Ear device patents for March 2023

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Several patent titles caught the eye in March, stirring the imagination as to how and by whom ear devices may be applied to individuals: IBM 11602287 Automatically aiding individuals with developing auditory attention abilities Starkey 11607170 Detection of physical abuse or neglect using data from ear-wearable devices The March 2023 Patent List   Description Patent Number Assignee Issued Hearing and
Featured image for “Ear device patents for February 2023”
Apr. 16, 2023

Ear device patents for February 2023

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Big Tech has had the ear in its sights since AirPods became the big consumer electronics thing. They’re now sighting in on specific features of hearing and hearing loss. As examples: Meta Platform’s patents #11575999 (Systems and methods for hearing assessment and audio adjustment) and  #11589176 (Calibrating an audio system using a user’s auditory steady state response) Apple’s patent #11595766
Featured image for “Ear device patents for January 2023”
Mar. 08, 2023

Ear device patents for January 2023

Holly Hosford-Dunn
A bunch of fun and useful patents jump-started 2023 in January. Here’s a sampling. Breath in, Breath out, Watch Your Heart Rate Starkey patent #11540743, Ear-worn devices with deep breathing assistance, describes a method for guiding deep breathing. Starkey patent #11570562, Hearing assistance device fitting based on heart rate sensor, uses heart rate to guide you to “reseat or adjust
Featured image for “Ear device patents for December 2022”
Feb. 02, 2023

Ear device patents for December 2022

Holly Hosford-Dunn
No need to pay attention, just check in with your ear once in awhile Eolas envisions a device system that goes the extra mile and will probably control your every moment once it gets to know you. Patent #11540093 notes that it’s hard for parties to keep track of all that’s said in a conversation so critical information may be
Featured image for “Ear device patents for November 2022”
Jan. 09, 2023

Ear device patents for November 2022

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Another Pandemic-Inspired Innovation Zoom fatigue was with all of us during the pandemic and may become endemic as we prefer to individualize our workplaces. T-Mobile is here to help with patent #11502861 Simulated auditory space for online meetings. The title sounds a little Zoomy, but T-Mobile gets the problem and sees a better path ahead to enable our preferences. Here’s
Featured image for “Ear Device Patents for October 2022”
Dec. 06, 2022

Ear Device Patents for October 2022

iAudiologist Several October patents aim to automate tasks formerly performed by humans in audiology and ENT offices. To wit: Zipline Health’s #11471035 (Ear ailment diagnostic device and method) comprises an earpiece/light source, magnifying lens, air conduction channel, camera, optional thermometer and/or tympanometer, all coupled to a smart phone, thus allowing patients to benefit from accurate and effective diagnosis of ear