Hearing News Watch

Jan. 22, 2013

Cochlear Americas names scholarship winners

David Kirkwood
CENTENNIAL, CO—Eight college students who use implantable technology to overcome hearing loss will receive $2000-a-year scholarships from Cochlear Americas for up to four years at an accredited college or university. Cochlear Americas is the North American division of Cochlear Limited, the Australian company that is the world’s largest manufacturer of cochlear implants. Five students were selected as winners of the
Jan. 15, 2013

Researchers regenerate hair cells in deafened mice and improve their hearing

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood BOSTON—When scientists finally discover a cure for sensorineural hearing loss, the key that unlocks the door for them will probably be some mechanism to stimulate the regeneration of sensory hair cells in the human cochlea. The toll that age, noise, ototoxic medicines, and infections take on these hair cells is the most common cause of hearing
Jan. 14, 2013

Never mind, says woman who sued Bieber over hearing loss

David Kirkwood
PORTLAND, OR—All those victims of Bieber Fever who have been following Betts v. Bieber on this blog can heave a sigh of relief. Stacey Wilson Betts, a 35-year-old Oregon woman who was seeking $9.23 million from the 18-year-old Canadian pop star for damages that she said he had caused to her hearing, withdrew her lawsuit last week. In the suit,
Jan. 09, 2013

Veteran daycare worker sues after her lifelong hearing loss leads to her dismissal

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood BANGOR, ME—For 31 years, hearing loss did not prevent Rosemary Kelley from working as a teacher’s assistant in the Sonshine Nursery School in Friendship, Maine. However, in December 2010, Kelley lost her job after the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) ruled that because of her hearing loss, for which she wore hearing aids,
Jan. 07, 2013

Nominees sought for 2013 Mauldin Award

David Kirkwood
CHICAGO—The call went out last week for nominations for the 14th annual Larry Mauldin Award. Since 1999, the Mauldin Awards have recognized individuals who have demonstrated unsurpassed dedication to excellence in education and professionalism in the hearing care field and who have unselfishly given back to their profession, the community and those with hearing loss. The annual award, which is
Jan. 01, 2013

Amazon accused of breaking FCC rules for closed captioning of online TV shows

David Kirkwood
WASHINGTON, DC—Advocates for people with hearing loss charge that Amazon.com has repeatedly violated new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules governing Internet captioning requirements. Several advocacy groups, including the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), stated their case in a complaint filed December 20 with the FCC. Under a rule that took effect September 30, 2012, most full-length, non-live video programming shown
Dec. 24, 2012

Readers’ Choice 2012: hi HealthInnovations drops online hearing test after FDA warns that it’s illegal

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood  SILVER SPRING, MD–The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has thrown a monkey wrench into hi HealthInnovations’ controversial new online program to test consumers’ hearing and sell them custom-fitted hearing aids without any involvement by licensed hearing healthcare professionals. In a letter dated March 28, 2012, Steven Silverman, director of the Office of Compliance at FDA’s Center
Dec. 19, 2012

Top ten ideas selected for promoting public awareness of hearing health

David Kirkwood
NAERUM, DENMARK–A mnemonic device featuring three wise monkeys, a campaign to make hairdressers more mindful of their clients’ hearing loss, and a “hearing loss” flavor of ice cream are among the ten finalists in the Ida Institute’s worldwide competition “Ideas, Speak up – Action and Awareness for Hearing Loss.” Since April 2012 when the Oticon Foundation and the non-profit Ida
Dec. 17, 2012

Dr. William F. House dies; otology pioneer developed the first cochlear implant

David Kirkwood
The following is based on the obituary provided by the House Research Institute.   AURORA, OR–William F. House, MD, who pioneered the cochlear implant, died at his home in Aurora on December 7, at age 89. “William House was considered the Father of Neurotology because of his pioneering development approaches for the removal of acoustic tumors and the management of
Dec. 12, 2012

Audiologist launches a mobile clinic to extend her reach into rural areas

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood ST. JOSEPH, MI—After building Professional Hearing Services into one of the leading private audiology practices in the country, Gyl Kasewurm, AuD, is taking it on the road. Starting this month, the innovative audiologist will be using a Mobile Audiology Center to provide under-served populations in rural southwestern Michigan with the same caliber of hearing services that