Hearing News Watch

Mar. 29, 2012

Starkey tells AAA it will quit exhibiting at its convention

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood  BOSTON—This weekend may be the last chance American Academy of Audiology (AAA) members ever get to visit Starkey Hearing Technology’s extravagant exhibits at AudiologyNOW! That’s because Starkey, America’s largest manufacturer of hearing aids and related products, has notified AAA that it will quit exhibiting at its annual convention after this year’s meeting in Boston. In an
Mar. 28, 2012

Federal agencies team up to protect power plant workers’ ears from dam noise

David Kirkwood
ARLINGTON, VA–Three federal agencies have joined forces to turn down the noise generated by the nation’s dams and hydroelectric power plants. For this purpose, the Office of Naval Research, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced plans this week to use technology originally designed to protect U.S. Navy and Marine personnel from noise-induced hearing loss.
Mar. 26, 2012

Academy to bestow its highest honors at a banquet March 29 at AudiologyNOW!

David Kirkwood
BOSTON—Seven illustrious audiologists will be feted this Thursday evening during the annual Honors Banquet at AudiologyNOW! There, the American Academy of Audiology (AAA) will recognize a diverse group of high achievers, including two former presidents of the academy.   JERGER AWARD IN RESEARCH The Jerger Career Award for Research in Audiology will be presented to Brenda M. Ryals, PhD, whose
Mar. 21, 2012

Course at AAA Convention to feature editors’ insights on the Best of the Blogs

David Kirkwood
BOSTON—Five editors from Hearinghealthmatters.org will explore the role of blogging in audiology during a session next week at AudiologyNOW! 2012, the annual convention of the American Academy of Audiology. Entitled Best of the Blogs @ Hearing Heath and Technology Matters, the one-hour course will take place Friday, March 30, starting at 2 pm in Room 257B of the Boston Convention
Mar. 21, 2012

Latest US News audiology survey ranks Vanderbilt and Iowa first and second

David Kirkwood
When U.S. News & World Report publishes its rankings of university audiology programs on April 3, there will be little change from 2008, when its previous ratings came out. According to a preview on the publication’s web site, for the third time in a row, Vanderbilt University holds the top spot, followed by the University of Iowa. The number three
Mar. 19, 2012

Songbird is silenced again; manufacturer exits the hearing arena

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood NORTH BRUNSWICK, NJ–Songbird Hearing, Inc., called it quits—again. For at least the second time in the 12-year history of the original disposable hearing aid, the Songbird has apparently failed to build the market its manufacturer had hoped for. In a brief announcement posted on its web site, Songbird Hearing, Inc., said that it “has decided to
Mar. 14, 2012

California controller says state overpays for Medi-Cal hearing aids

David Kirkwood
SACRAMENTO—California State Controller John Chiang has charged that the state’s Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is wasting millions of dollars in its reimbursements to California Medical Assistance (Medi-Cal) hearing aid providers. Medi-Cal, the California Medicaid program, serves about 9 million low-income families, seniors, persons with disabilities, children in foster care, pregnant women, and certain low-income adults. That represents nearly a
Mar. 14, 2012

Brain Award will honor two women who have discovered genetic causes of deafness

David Kirkwood
COPENHAGEN–Two researchers who have done groundbreaking work in discovering genetic factors in hearing and deafness will share the 2012 Brain Award, presented by the Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation. They are Christine Petit, chair of genetics and cellular physiology at College de France and head of the Genetics and Physiology of Hearing Laboratory at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, and Karen Steel,
Mar. 10, 2012

The membership has spoken: Bettie Borton is AAA’s next president-elect

David Kirkwood
American Academy of Audiology (AAA) members have elected Bettie B. Borton, AuD, as president-elect, effective July 1. Borton, who is CEO of Doctors Hearing Clinic in Montgomery, AL, and co-owner/director of Borton Audiology Consultants, will serve a year in that position, and then succeed Deborah Carlson, PhD, as president of the academy for 2013-2014. The academy also announced the election of
Mar. 07, 2012

Early hearing detection meeting draws protest by opponents of “audism”

David Kirkwood
ST. LOUIS-To most people familiar with early detection of hearing loss and early intervention, these approaches to treating babies born deaf or hard-of-hearing are like motherhood and apple pie. After all, in less than 20 years, the movement to address hearing loss as young as possible has made it routine that babies born in the U.S. with hearing loss receive