Pathways Society

May. 04, 2016

Assays of the Caudal Efferent Auditory System: Part I

Dr. Frank Musiek
Spencer B. Smith Au.D./Ph.D. student at the University of Arizona   *Please note: This article is Part I of a two-part series. Part II will be published as next month’s featured piece, so please be on the look-out!   Introduction: Much of what is understood about the neurophysiology of auditory processing has been derived from studying and modeling the afferent auditory
Apr. 06, 2016

Sound Localization in Split-brain Subjects

Dr. Frank Musiek
Renata Filippini, PhD. Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Arizona and University of Sao Paulo   The construction of an accurate spatial map is key for localization of sound sources not only for communication, but also for survival. Being able to figure out the characteristics of the environment allow us to interact with it in a safe and productive manner: as
Mar. 03, 2016

Neuromorphological Abnormalities and Central Auditory Processing Disorders: An Overview

Dr. Frank Musiek
by Chloe E Robbins, The University of Arizona The human central auditory nervous system (CANS) is responsible for processing and maintaining the integrity of sound stimuli, both simple and complex, from the peripheral auditory system for interpretation at the cortical level. When pathologies arise in this system, abilities such as understanding speech, localization, lateralization, and discrimination of signals can become
Feb. 03, 2016

Commentary on “Effects of Low Pass Filtering on Ear Asymmetry in Dichotic Listening and Some Uncontrolled Error Sources” (Spreen and Boucher, 1970)

Dr. Frank Musiek
[gview file=””] Comment: Though some aspects of this article we may not agree with— there is an interesting finding that may need reiterated in the current research world. Progressive filtering of the high frequency energy of dichotically presented words appears to compromise the right ear advantage (REA). The REA has been well recognized for many years. This filtering obviously would
Jan. 06, 2016

Cochlear Dynorphins, Stress and Tinnitus

Dr. Frank Musiek
Tony L. Sahley, School of Health Sciences, Cleveland State University Subjective tinnitus is a clinical disorder, defined traditionally as a perception of sound (a tone, a hum or a hiss) that is experienced in the absence of an externally evoking auditory stimulus. For this reason, subjective tinnitus is often referred to as a phantom auditory perception. Approximately 25.3% of the general
Dec. 02, 2015

Status of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in India

Dr. Frank Musiek
N. Shivashankar, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences  India poses a unique challenge for the audiologists and speech-language pathologists dealing with central auditory processing disorders (CAPD). These challenges are multifaceted because India is a multi-lingual country and people hail from various socio economic backgrounds. This makes it hard to develop uniform CAPD tests in different languages. Further, CAPD testing, unlike
Oct. 07, 2015

Some Random Thoughts on Frequency (Pitch) and Duration Patterns

Dr. Frank Musiek
by Frank Musiek, Ph.D., University of Arizona   In pondering about an article for Pathways I began to think about frequency and duration patterns referred to from now on in this article as FP and DP. The FP test was originally conceptualized by Marilyn Pinheiro and Paul Ptacek at Case Western Reserve University in the early 1970’s. I had the
Sep. 02, 2015

Alzheimer’s Disease and CAPD: George Gates’ Contributions

Dr. Frank Musiek
by Giau N. Le, B.S. and Frank E. Musiek, Ph.D., The University of Arizona   Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a disorder of the neurodegenerative disease that primarily effects the elderly population. There are approximately 5.2 million people living with AD in the United States. Of that population, 5 million of those individuals are over the age of 65 years (Fargo, 2014).
Aug. 05, 2015

Auditory Evoked Potentials in Autism

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Hillary Siddons, AuD Candidate at UConn Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of multifaceted neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by significant social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior or activities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). ASD is a lifelong disorder that affects approximately 5.7 to 21.9 per 1,000 children, and is disproportionality more prevalent (5:1) in males
Jul. 09, 2015

Thoughts on Hearing and Cognition

Dr. Frank Musiek
by Vasiliki (Vivian) Iliadou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki The importance of the sense of hearing as the main vehicle of information transmission during language acquisition, learning and communication is widely accepted. As hearing extends beyond hearing sensitivity (acuity) measured by an audiogram (Jerger & Musiek, 2000; Iliadou, Chermak, Bamiou, 2015), auditory processing evaluation provides more ecological information on functional everyday hearing.